Of things to talk about that is!
1. My poor underarm is still painful. Unbelievably, I had a reaction to micropore tape, which I am normally fine to use. I have no idea why but it means that although the Duofertility patch reaction has healed mostly, I now have a square skin burn from the tape to deal with!
2. I'm finally feeling OK after my HSG. I had no idea it would be such an ordeal after the actual procedure. I spent my weekend gingerly walking and sitting as my internal organs felt very painful. Driving wasn't much fun either, every time I hit a bump, you almost had to peel my fingernails off of the roof.
3. I was going through my children's memory boxes. We're beginning to pack for our big move to Scotland and things like this that we don't use every week are being boxed and sent to storage, where when the time comes, they will be loaded onto the back of an articulated lorry and moved some 630 miles.
Anyway, so I was sorting through them and I found the positive pregnancy tests from my youngest. Every. single. time they yank at my heart and this was no different. Some 4.5 years and yet that 2nd line is still clearly visible. I want to see 2 lines on a pregnancy test so badly!
4. Why is it when you're matched, everyone else becomes available? 3 times in the past couple of weeks, an IP has contacted me, with a view to perhaps matching! Especially peeved about one who approached me today - it's a long and complicated back story but when I wanted to match with her, she was with another surrogate and now it's the other way around. I'm a big believer that everything happens for a reason but that was a bit of frustrating.
5. Still waiting on ovulation and hoping for this weekend. It's half-term here and I've got so much going on but it's proving to be a good distraction from my cycle which is nice.
And there ends my mixture of a post. Oh and Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Hope you got spoilt rotten.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Better Day

Duofertility is not going well. Firstly, I've had a reaction to the adhesive covering that you put over the sensor and I know that I am allergic to certain plasters so I guess that put me at a higher risk to begin with. There are different adhesive patches available so I will need to try a different type but this particular batch were listed as being for sensitive skin so I'm not very hopeful!
It's not pleasant having what is essentially a skin burn in your armpit. Ouch.
Secondly, it seems that the whole Duofertility package isn't usable if someone else has used it before you. Well, it is, but you need it reset and for a handsome price. The manufacturers are savvy, and onto a money spinner there, I'll give them that. I guess that's why you never see them sold second hand often.
So that is on hold for now but hopefully we can sort something out one way or another regarding it, I still think it's a good system though. For now, it's back to relying on BBT the old fashioned way!
Had a very rough night with my poor tummy and being sick, I don't know what the cause was or if it was a mixture of everything going on yesterday. My lower tummy is still painful and tender today but thank god, it's nothing like on the scale of yesterday.
Last Clomid tablets tonight and then in 3 days time, I'll start testing for ovulation and see what happens!
Friday, 10 February 2012
I was more nervous that I'd anticipated, I've had one before and although I don't remember much about it, that's a good thing as it means it was not memorable and that's just how any procedure should be!
I don't think Google'ing helped either, I was awake until gone 3am this morning mulling things over. It turned out we had heavy snow here in Bristol last night and into the early hours and so I was expecting to have to cancel the appointment anyway, it was one of only a few times you will hear me sad to see snow! But, surprisingly when I woke up and peered out, it was mainly slush so the appointment was still on.
You may remember my fertility consultation with a doctor here in Bristol, back in June? He was not comfortable having anything to do with me because of surrogacy and him not being licenced (and I suspect a little predjudiced if I'm honest) to deal with it. Well, he wouldn't do the HSG for me so I had to do some shopping around and quick since I specifically wanted it done this cycle. I ended up finding somewhere reasonably cheap and in Wales.
So, across the Second Severn Crossing we went and left the snow behind and drove straight into torrential rain on the other side but we arrived at the Royal Glamorgan hospital in plenty of time.
I was feeling apprehensive but also so desperate to find out so that kept me from backing out. I had deliberately kept the date of the appointment to myself, incase I couldn't go through with it and just incase it was bad news - I would need time to process that first.
Anyway, we stopped at a shop just and I had stocked up on painkillers and sanitary items because anyone who knows a thing about HSGs knows that both are necessary for comfort!
I had been surprised to find that nurses do the HSG at this particular hospital, an HSG is usually carried out by a gynaecologist or at least, a senior radiographer but as the nurse explained, this test needs to be carried out within a small window of a woman's cycle and those specialists are booked up for a year in advance so it made sense to get them trained so they could be on hand to carry out such procedures. I thought that was really good and of course, it was nice to know that all the staff in the room would be women!
One nurse explained the procedure to me, I signed the consent form and was then given the first 2, of what will be 7 antibiotic tablets. This is to absolutely ensure there are no infections post-procedure. Having not long before swallowed down some painkillers and already feeling a bit nauseous anyway, I wasn't thrilled about it but know that it's for my safety.
I had to put a gown on and then went into the actual room where the HSG would be done. The other 2 nurses present were lovely too, very reassuring and interested in surrogacy which was sweet.
I will spare you the gory details but it was fine, a bit of cramping and she took a while to get everything in the right position. It was never going to be fun but yeah, it went as smoothly as I could of hoped for.
The nurse had told me prior that the x-rays are in real time so you can see what's happening, as it happens and that I could watch the monitor. I'm usually fascinated by such things but I didn't seem to have the stomach for it this afternoon, I did at the very end have a look at the still image that was still on the monitor by my head. Pretty cool to say I've seen my uterus and fallopian tubes!
I felt absolutely fine for about the next 3 hours and then the pain hit - cramps from the bottom of my abdomen to the top. I felt full and what felt like a combination of trapped wind and menstrual cramping. Ugh. So, I took some more painkillers and I'm sat with a hot water bottle on my stomach, it's definitely easing but still hurts and feels sore almost.
Oh and I've had some spotting since, which is completely normal but I don't recall having last time. Just one of those things, this time she definitely jiggled things around in there so that's probably why.
And that's that, my HSG experience!
Oh wait, I forgot the outcome didn't I? ;o)
Tubes completely clear, normal reproductive anatomy. Go me - So whatever happens, or doesn't really, it's definitely not because I'm in any way a defective baby-maker!
I've been through so many tests during my surrogacy journey but I had to put those niggles to rest and to know if I was wasting my time (and any IPs time) so I don't regret the money or time I've spent on getting myself checked out but it's been emotionally draining at times, thank goodness that this was the final test that could of thrown things up but, it was clear so hurrah!!
I don't think Google'ing helped either, I was awake until gone 3am this morning mulling things over. It turned out we had heavy snow here in Bristol last night and into the early hours and so I was expecting to have to cancel the appointment anyway, it was one of only a few times you will hear me sad to see snow! But, surprisingly when I woke up and peered out, it was mainly slush so the appointment was still on.
You may remember my fertility consultation with a doctor here in Bristol, back in June? He was not comfortable having anything to do with me because of surrogacy and him not being licenced (and I suspect a little predjudiced if I'm honest) to deal with it. Well, he wouldn't do the HSG for me so I had to do some shopping around and quick since I specifically wanted it done this cycle. I ended up finding somewhere reasonably cheap and in Wales.
So, across the Second Severn Crossing we went and left the snow behind and drove straight into torrential rain on the other side but we arrived at the Royal Glamorgan hospital in plenty of time.
I was feeling apprehensive but also so desperate to find out so that kept me from backing out. I had deliberately kept the date of the appointment to myself, incase I couldn't go through with it and just incase it was bad news - I would need time to process that first.
Anyway, we stopped at a shop just and I had stocked up on painkillers and sanitary items because anyone who knows a thing about HSGs knows that both are necessary for comfort!
I had been surprised to find that nurses do the HSG at this particular hospital, an HSG is usually carried out by a gynaecologist or at least, a senior radiographer but as the nurse explained, this test needs to be carried out within a small window of a woman's cycle and those specialists are booked up for a year in advance so it made sense to get them trained so they could be on hand to carry out such procedures. I thought that was really good and of course, it was nice to know that all the staff in the room would be women!
One nurse explained the procedure to me, I signed the consent form and was then given the first 2, of what will be 7 antibiotic tablets. This is to absolutely ensure there are no infections post-procedure. Having not long before swallowed down some painkillers and already feeling a bit nauseous anyway, I wasn't thrilled about it but know that it's for my safety.
I had to put a gown on and then went into the actual room where the HSG would be done. The other 2 nurses present were lovely too, very reassuring and interested in surrogacy which was sweet.
I will spare you the gory details but it was fine, a bit of cramping and she took a while to get everything in the right position. It was never going to be fun but yeah, it went as smoothly as I could of hoped for.
The nurse had told me prior that the x-rays are in real time so you can see what's happening, as it happens and that I could watch the monitor. I'm usually fascinated by such things but I didn't seem to have the stomach for it this afternoon, I did at the very end have a look at the still image that was still on the monitor by my head. Pretty cool to say I've seen my uterus and fallopian tubes!
I felt absolutely fine for about the next 3 hours and then the pain hit - cramps from the bottom of my abdomen to the top. I felt full and what felt like a combination of trapped wind and menstrual cramping. Ugh. So, I took some more painkillers and I'm sat with a hot water bottle on my stomach, it's definitely easing but still hurts and feels sore almost.
Oh and I've had some spotting since, which is completely normal but I don't recall having last time. Just one of those things, this time she definitely jiggled things around in there so that's probably why.
And that's that, my HSG experience!
Oh wait, I forgot the outcome didn't I? ;o)
Tubes completely clear, normal reproductive anatomy. Go me - So whatever happens, or doesn't really, it's definitely not because I'm in any way a defective baby-maker!
I've been through so many tests during my surrogacy journey but I had to put those niggles to rest and to know if I was wasting my time (and any IPs time) so I don't regret the money or time I've spent on getting myself checked out but it's been emotionally draining at times, thank goodness that this was the final test that could of thrown things up but, it was clear so hurrah!!
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Hello, headache!
Clomid - check
Ovulation tests - check
Duofertility installed and working - check
Headache - CHECK!
Ugh, the Clomid headache strikes again it seems, though to be fair it could be the fact that I had my ear syringed today. I have had a really rough few days with my poor ear but thankfully after having it cleaned out, I'm feeling much better now. Though I still have this sore throat that will not shift.
Because I've been so unwell, I decided to delay taking Clomid to avoid feeling even worse. I'm really busy and can't just lay in bed if the side effects, combined with the bug I have, made things terrible so it made sense to simply delay.
I took my first lot yesterday, on CD5 instead. It means that I've no idea when ovulation will occur, just that it's 5-9 days after the last tablet usually so we just have to wait and see. I plan to use OPKs so we at least have a shot at timing it right!
Will be interested to know what my progesterone number is like, taking it later in the cycle. They say that the earlier you take it, the earlier you ovulate and the more eggs you produce. The later you take it, the later you ovulate and you don't produce as many eggs, but they are more mature and of better quality.
I'm enjoying finding my way around the Duofertility stuff and have the sensor under my armpit as instructed, as I type this. I'm excited to do my first download of data in a couple of days, to see what my temperature is doing. I have decided I will do my normal BBT routine this cycle too, just to see how accurate it is. I know it won't match up but it will be interesting to see just how different they are.
This first cycle, as the monitor gets to know your cycle, is a practice run with the technology and that's why I've also the OPKs coming so we don't miss the important window of opportunity but hopefully I can rely a bit more on the software next cycle - if there's a next cycle, right?!
This will also be my last cycle on Clomid, the safe limit is 6. I do wish in some ways there wasn't a break between the last time I took it and this final cycle or even more so, that I'd been able to ttc after the 5th cycle on it because they say you are more fertile sometimes when you stop the Clomid. Oh well, nothing I can do to change that now.
I've been thinking ahead (you know me!) about where I go from here next, if this cycle isn't successful, with regards to medication to induce regular, strong ovulation and I think Femara is the way to go.
It's similar in its action - to induce ovulation, as Clomid but it works in a different way. It also has hardly any side effects and is very successful in getting women pregnant, who failed to either respond to Clomid or get pregnant whilst on it. All interesting stuff. I'm not sure where my GP will stand on prescribing another ovulation inducing medication or this one in particular, since it's normally used in women with breast cancer but there's no harm in trying.
All I can do is go in armed with information and a valid argument for requesting it and see what happens.
So, that's pretty much it for now. I will be having my HSG in a few days and will be back to update on that and how the Duofertility stuff is going.
Ovulation tests - check
Duofertility installed and working - check
Headache - CHECK!
Ugh, the Clomid headache strikes again it seems, though to be fair it could be the fact that I had my ear syringed today. I have had a really rough few days with my poor ear but thankfully after having it cleaned out, I'm feeling much better now. Though I still have this sore throat that will not shift.
Because I've been so unwell, I decided to delay taking Clomid to avoid feeling even worse. I'm really busy and can't just lay in bed if the side effects, combined with the bug I have, made things terrible so it made sense to simply delay.
I took my first lot yesterday, on CD5 instead. It means that I've no idea when ovulation will occur, just that it's 5-9 days after the last tablet usually so we just have to wait and see. I plan to use OPKs so we at least have a shot at timing it right!
Will be interested to know what my progesterone number is like, taking it later in the cycle. They say that the earlier you take it, the earlier you ovulate and the more eggs you produce. The later you take it, the later you ovulate and you don't produce as many eggs, but they are more mature and of better quality.
I'm enjoying finding my way around the Duofertility stuff and have the sensor under my armpit as instructed, as I type this. I'm excited to do my first download of data in a couple of days, to see what my temperature is doing. I have decided I will do my normal BBT routine this cycle too, just to see how accurate it is. I know it won't match up but it will be interesting to see just how different they are.
This first cycle, as the monitor gets to know your cycle, is a practice run with the technology and that's why I've also the OPKs coming so we don't miss the important window of opportunity but hopefully I can rely a bit more on the software next cycle - if there's a next cycle, right?!
This will also be my last cycle on Clomid, the safe limit is 6. I do wish in some ways there wasn't a break between the last time I took it and this final cycle or even more so, that I'd been able to ttc after the 5th cycle on it because they say you are more fertile sometimes when you stop the Clomid. Oh well, nothing I can do to change that now.
I've been thinking ahead (you know me!) about where I go from here next, if this cycle isn't successful, with regards to medication to induce regular, strong ovulation and I think Femara is the way to go.
It's similar in its action - to induce ovulation, as Clomid but it works in a different way. It also has hardly any side effects and is very successful in getting women pregnant, who failed to either respond to Clomid or get pregnant whilst on it. All interesting stuff. I'm not sure where my GP will stand on prescribing another ovulation inducing medication or this one in particular, since it's normally used in women with breast cancer but there's no harm in trying.
All I can do is go in armed with information and a valid argument for requesting it and see what happens.
So, that's pretty much it for now. I will be having my HSG in a few days and will be back to update on that and how the Duofertility stuff is going.
Friday, 3 February 2012
I've finally taken the plunge and made the appointment to get my tubes checked out. This is the final thing that could be causing issues and I've decided that it's about time I found out for sure.
If this comes back clear, and I'm very confident that it will, then there is 100% officially nothing wrong with me and there is no reason that I won't be a successful surrogate if I stick at it.
Obviously a little nervous, it's hardly something that any woman looks forward to but I'm excited at the same time because at least I will have answers to some niggles that have there since my last match ended unsuccessfully.
I'm having an HSG, for those of you not familiar with the test for tubal patency - as the medical professionals call it, you can read about it here:
And in other exciting news, I will also be using a Duofertility monitor this time around too!
Some of you may remember that I mentioned this back last year but it was cost prohibitive (at nearly £500) but they now offer different payment schemes which make it more affordable. This one however was found on eBay for a fraction of the cost. It means that I won't get access to their team of 'scientists' for fertility advice or personal chart interpretation but I don't require that - I don't think there is much that I don't know after all my years of ttc!
I'm apprehensive but that's about using it and inputting the necessary data correctly, I'm super excited about actually seeing how it works for us and the fact that it means I don't have to wake at 5am to take my temperature.
Read about it here:
So, it's all coming together!
If this comes back clear, and I'm very confident that it will, then there is 100% officially nothing wrong with me and there is no reason that I won't be a successful surrogate if I stick at it.
Obviously a little nervous, it's hardly something that any woman looks forward to but I'm excited at the same time because at least I will have answers to some niggles that have there since my last match ended unsuccessfully.
I'm having an HSG, for those of you not familiar with the test for tubal patency - as the medical professionals call it, you can read about it here:
And in other exciting news, I will also be using a Duofertility monitor this time around too!
Some of you may remember that I mentioned this back last year but it was cost prohibitive (at nearly £500) but they now offer different payment schemes which make it more affordable. This one however was found on eBay for a fraction of the cost. It means that I won't get access to their team of 'scientists' for fertility advice or personal chart interpretation but I don't require that - I don't think there is much that I don't know after all my years of ttc!
I'm apprehensive but that's about using it and inputting the necessary data correctly, I'm super excited about actually seeing how it works for us and the fact that it means I don't have to wake at 5am to take my temperature.
Read about it here:
So, it's all coming together!
Journey 2:
Cycle 13: Length: 28 and LP: 13 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)
Cycle 14: Length: 28 and LP: 13 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)
Cycle 15: Length: 26 and LP: 12 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)
Cycle 16: Length: 27 and LP: 12 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)
Cycle 17: Length: 28 and LP: 13 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)
Cycle 18: Length: 23 and LP: ? (Not tracking ovulation)
Cycle 19: Length: 28 and LP: ?
Cycle 20: Length: 27 and LP: ?
Cycle 21: Length: 27 and LP: ?
Cycle 22: Length: 26 and LP: ?
Cycle 23: Length: 26 and LP: ?
Cycle 24: Length: 26 and LP: ?
Cycle 13: Length: 28 and LP: 13 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)
Cycle 14: Length: 28 and LP: 13 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)
Cycle 15: Length: 26 and LP: 12 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)
Cycle 16: Length: 27 and LP: 12 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)
Cycle 17: Length: 28 and LP: 13 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)
Cycle 18: Length: 23 and LP: ? (Not tracking ovulation)
Cycle 19: Length: 28 and LP: ?
Cycle 20: Length: 27 and LP: ?
Cycle 21: Length: 27 and LP: ?
Cycle 22: Length: 26 and LP: ?
Cycle 23: Length: 26 and LP: ?
Cycle 24: Length: 26 and LP: ?
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