Thursday, 7 February 2013

Add Another Thing...

I have high blood pressure.

I went to my GP today about some pains I have been having the past week and in the course of examining me he found my blood pressure is high. He took it 6 times, both arms and manually too - which gave an even higher reading. Ugh. He doesn't think the pain and the high bp is connected but I am not so sure as I do have other symptoms that could also point to it being all tied into post-partum hypertension. I had to laugh out loud when he asked if I was stressed...Um, yes. Just a bit.

So, I had blood taken and have to return tomorrow to get bp re-tested and then again in a week when we will also know my blood test results. Great, just what I don't flipping need. pretty pissed off tonight to be honest, when will I get a break from all this crap that has hit me lately?

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

On Time

I am full of PMT symptoms currently - bloating, backache, lower tummy cramps and my anxiety has picked up. So, now I just await her full arrival. Blah. That is another sign of no longer being pregnant that I could well of done without, I've not missed her timely arrival every month! I guess it's good that it appears she will be as regular as she was before though. Still, at least I can break the thermometer out again and start temping - hurrah!

Monday, 4 February 2013

25 Days After....

And I honestly haven't had time to think about the fact I had a baby not even a month ago!

So much has happened here, I don't think my feet have truly touched the ground since a couple of weeks before Christmas and it shows no signs of slowing down now either.

I've had my daughter's op and subsequent emergency hospital admission, then the kids were on school holiday, Christmas, Oli's birth, my trip to hospital and brush with infection, my husband's job offer in Scotland, my husband having a serious eye condition that is still on-going, sadly attending the funeral of a friend's child and then this past week, my lovely mum was blown over by the wind (no, I'm not kidding) and broke her hip so we had a race back North mid-week and came back only yesterday. We are going back up in a week too. Phew, it sounded like a soap opera in my head but typing that now and I know it reads like one too.

Still, if nothing else, all that has kept me occupied and my mind busy and so the post-birth hormones didn't really have a chance to overwhelm me really and I'm thankful for that. All I hope is that I don't suddenly feel the crash as the anxiety levels subside and life (fingers crossed) returns to normality.

Baby Oli is thriving and doing well, bringing his Daddies lots of love and joy from what I'm hearing. K and B keep in regular contact, we text, call and message each other and they send me lots of the sweetest pictures still. I study them and I still don't see any resemblance, no matter how hard I stare - it's almost unbelievable to me that he's half of me and came from me. I don't feel like I've had a baby in my mind and the pictures don't convince me otherwise! LOL. But the still leaking boobs and twice daily jabs remind me regardless.

Zero regrets still, very proud of our achievement and definitely content with my role. All is good on the post-surrogacy front indeed.