Wednesday, 24 March 2010

'What next?'

Some of you may be thinking 'what next then?' Well the next stage is for us to draw up contracts. Surrogacy contracts are not like normal contracts, they are not recognised under UK law as being legally binding on either party. It's more like a formal agreement if you will.

These contracts handle every eventuality you can think of. From what scans will be carried out to what would happen should an IP die. It's give and take and most matched couples will tweak them to their own needs.

M has kindly agreed to take over the contract stage and is nearly done and will send it over shortly for me to look at.

Myself and hubby are waiting to get our sexual health checks done, this is not strictly necessary but for obvious reason, wise to have done and in our case, IPs requested it and we're more than happy to oblige.

IPs are shopping today for everything we'll need. All the tests and kits, pots and cups and that sort of stuff.

And we are also arranging my life insurance. Very necessary as I have 3 children to consider should anything happen. Pregnancy is not without risk.

So, that's where we are. Moving forwards, I'm still on Cloud 9!

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