(Excuse rubbish phone camera picture)
And I got a very unexpected smiley face on the OPK this morning! I had encouraging signs and we knew we were nearly there but I'd anticipated Friday so it was definitely a surprise.
Also not the best timing since I woke up feeling ropey this morning, typical! I don't feel as bad now though so it certainly won't be stopping us.
See from the pictures how few OPK's I've had to do this cycle, the cheap test actually agrees with the digi this cycle too which is new to me as usually they don't match up.
Anyway, I text K with the picture, I love getting them as involved as possible so something small like that, I hoped made a difference to them and made them smile.
K called to talk and if you know me, you know I hate talking on the phone but the phone was buzzing before I had a chance to try and get out of it. It was fine, K was as lovely as always and put me at ease. It was lovely to hear the excitement in his voice too.
IFs were already travelling down tomorrow to stay in a hotel and be ready so it's not that much a deviation from the plan. B was luckily already working from home so is available but K is working tonight until 10:30pm supposedly but he's managed to arrange it to leave at 8pm and they will drive down and check in tonight.
Thankfully my husband is on an early shift and finishing at 11pm so if we want, we have the option of doing an insem tonight.
How exciting! I have a feeling that this will be one of a couple of surges though as otherwise my cycle will be shorter than usual and I'm pretty regular as you can see.
I reckon I'll have the smiley again tomorrow which is fine as any time within 36 hours of the :) is optimum for insems and IFs are here for a few days.
Fingers crossed for a smooth first attempt.
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