The low-down is as follows:
- My egg reserve is fine.
- My blood test results (I had done on Day 1-3 of a cycle), were all fine.
- Even the FSH that was slightly over the lab cut off, is fine. He saw via ultrasound that my egg count is good.
- My womb lining was the right thickness for where I am in my cycle - so Clomid isn't having a negative effect on that.
- I do not have PCOS! That's a huge (but very pleasant) surprise! He said looking at the scan, one ovary has maybe 3, very minimal cysts on it but those, combined with normal blood tests means he would say I was free of it. I have no idea what's made it clear up but back in 2002, both ovaries were covered in them.
- I have 3 beautifully ripe follicles at maturation stage. Triplets anyone?! 2 on my right ovary and 1 (slightly smaller) one on the left.
- He doesn't think I need anything other than Clomid (or change the dose/days) since my ovaries are obviously responding to it very well.
- My progesterone levels - taken by my GP, are all fine. Even the one at a level of only 15, that my GP said meant I didn't ovulate, was ovulatory but just not optimal ovulation.
- He said it's just a matter of time before I fall pregnant and so keep doing what we've been doing - but he did recommend starting insems even earlier than we have been in my cycle.
I came out very pleased indeed and K & B were just as happy with the news. It's official, I am not a dud and am perfectly capable of making a K & B junior. We just have to keep optimistic and carry on as before.
Of course there is the slight issue of sporadic ovulation (at a decent level) when I'm not on Clomid but I can, if necessary, take up to 12 cycles of Clomid so I'm not even worrying about that. I think losing weight will help when (if) that time comes.
K is currently here in Bristol, visiting and so we're enjoying eating out and catching up in person. It's been a manic month for all of us so it's nice to see him, B is stuck in Kent with work stuff though. :o(
Nothing else to report at this stage, just seeing what happens and breathing a huge sigh of relief after the appointment news. Feeling very chilled out, I needed that reassurance so it was money well spent indeed.