Friday, 8 June 2012


Back to the land of the living, well mainly! Still feeling rough, glands the size of golf balls so I look like a hamster but hopefully on the upswing.

I was worried about Parvovirus, no, not the type you have your pets vaccinated against but the B19 strain - or more commonly known as Slapped Cheek. Ironic since the midwife had only warned me about this no more than an hour before I became unwell! I could of got a blood test to confirm I had immunity already, as most adults do, but I didn't fancy getting stabbed in my one good vein for the 2nd time in as many days and I don't think it's that anyway - the swollen glands are not one of the symptoms. So worry over, it's just a viral nasty I think. Poor K & B have had a nasty tummy bug since returning home too, it's just not been a nice time since the highs of our appointments on Wednesday.

Talking about the midwife, we had a fabulous appointment with her on Wednesday, it was just nice to get the official ball rolling and made it all the more real for us. She was blatantly inexperienced with regards to surrogacy but most people are to be honest, no problem though, she did her job and asked questions and it was fine.

Except she called today. Apparently she had spoken to her supervisor and my delivery hospital who advised that they had introduced a new protocol, where surrogacy is concerned and follow specific steps. One being they have a multi-disciplinary meeting to discuss my and the babies care and how things will be handled and how my IPs needs will be met - no issue with that, that's great! But number two being they refer to Social Services routinely in this situation. Not OK, not OK at all. The midwife said they wouldn't investigate or get involved but it still means our names go into their system and will stay there, I'm not happy with that. Of course we have nothing to hide but it's the principle of the matter, why are surrogate babies deemed at more risk than other babies? Very offensive and I'm not sure how they can justify their thinking in this age of equality.

K called and spoke to her, he got some clairication on matters and is on the same page as me about it. It just doesn't seem fair or sit right with any of us.

The midwife is going to speak to the senior midwife at the hospital and get back to us but she made me feel awkward when she said 'if you refuse, you have to consider what they will think about that and why you refused', talk about damned if you do and damned if you don't! I don't care, as I said, it's the principle of the matter.

Annoying also that it's all unnecessary since I'm moving to Scotland so they are wasting their time and ours but now the issue has arose, we have to deal with it as if we were staying because my refusal will be noted and if I suddenly take off for Scotland, without having my reasons known and detailed then it will look bad on paper.

Honestly, we all could of done without that this morning! I know we'll face many hurdles during surrogacy but at only 10 weeks? I think we've had enough ups and downs already, we would just like to enjoy some plain sailing for a little while if possible.

On a happier note, we got our dating scan appointment through, 20th June. I'll be exactly 12 weeks. Because of my age, I qualify for a Nuchal scan on the NHS - hurrah to getting old! That will be done at the same time.

Looking forward to our hop up to Scotland on Sunday, although if this wind doesn't quit I'm not sure I will actually get on the plane - I hate flying anyway and the thought of being bounced around the sky in this scares me the life out of me. It's necessary though as we'll be looking at schools for the kids, a house for us and my husband has some job interviews so it's all systems go!

Also looking forward to a few lie-ins and some quiet, quality time with hubby who has been sorely neglected lately what with one thing and another.

Will update when we return!

1 comment:

L said...

that is utterly ridiculous! Is there not someone who can be written to about it? Completely ridiculous. This world we live in is so strange sometimes! Either refer all babies to social services or ONLY those that are actually at risk.