It has been ages since I last posted but I've been away for a week in Scotland, seeing my mum and gran and then I had no internet connection at home until today.
Anyway, so much has happened so I'll start from the top:
I passed my glucose tolerance test, with flying colours which was expected but it was nice to get the official word - I know now that I'm unlikely to grow a baby the size of a turkey! LOL.
My iron levels have come back OK, which was surprising given how I've been feeling but it appears I have low blood pressure which is probably the cause. I'll take low over high any day obviously.
Baby has consistently been breech, which was confirmed again at our 32 week scan this week. There were mutterings of a c-section but things can still change, as they did with my 3rd child who was also breech at this point, and so it was left until after the next scan in 4 weeks to discuss it any further. Tentative date for a section was the 27th December though - I admit, I got a horrible feeling in my stomach when that was said but actually, a section may not be a bad thing for us all in reality.
We were given an estimated weight at this scan, which was unexpected because as I've mentioned before, my hospital had stopped doing it because it was so wildly inaccurate but they must of updated their technology or simply have more faith nowadays - Boo is around 4lbs currently, expected to be around 8lbs at birth, if he follows an average growth pattern.
Also, we spoke to the head consultant about my GBS concerns. He said that some well-read professors had come up with a standard for hospitals to follow now and basically, it wasn't worth me testing or worrying about it in this pregnancy. I did laugh when he said he didn't think I would get to hospital in time to be given the 4 hours pre-delivery dose of antibiotics anyway. Ha, I love his optimism but I did want to reply 'hey, this ain't my first rodeo, buddy, I know how these things work!'
He advised 6 weeks of post-partum blood thinning injections, given my history and the raised BMI, he thinks it's better to play it safe. I am not looking forward to stabbing myself daily, especially when I know from experience that that drug stings a lot and bruises your skin so easily. Still, keeping well and recovering fully is more important so I'll close my eyes and be a big, brave girl.
The most eye-opening part of the appointment though was when we had a lovely midwife who was interested in our unique situation. We told her we were waiting on a meeting with the hospital team (yes, still...) to discuss care and post-delivery details and she offered to speak to her Matron to see what she could find out.
Shortly after, the head consultant went to also see what he could find out and to chase the process along, which was much appreciated.
Anyway, it doesn't bode well for us to be honest, although my hospital have had plenty of experience with surrogate births, they are not flexible or accommodating it seems. Things like 'well, the mother will be expected to care for the baby or otherwise Social Services will need to get involved' were said, which we all found very upsetting. It wasn't the midwife's fault, she was merely conveying what her boss had said on the phone but to hear that our wishes may not be respected or honoured was very unsettling.
So, where does this leave us? Up in the air is the answer, we have to push my community midwife to set this meeting up. I see her next week and plan to stamp my feet over the delay so far, there really can be no excuse any more. We will know more once the meeting has taken place, hopefully with some persuasion and compromise, we can all reach a plan that we're comfortable with. For now, I'm taking to burying my head in the sand since there is little else I can do at this point. I know that the boys are stressed about it and rightly so, we all thought just getting pregnant was the hardest thing. Ha!
I'm keeping well otherwise, very tired now and breathless but given that his head seems wedged under my diaphragm, that's not surprising. Still battling the dreaded morning sickness but determined to enjoy every moment because the end is fast approaching and I know when it does, I'll miss it although I'm so not ready to give birth!
1 comment:
Good luck JJ, it's such a shame they're not being more accomodating. :( It's not right at all.
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