I caved and tested tonight, I'm rubbish I know but hey, be fair, I held out for 9 days which is more than I usually do. By 6 DPO I've usually used up my entire supply of tests.
Anyway, this is what happened, posted this on another board:
'I was searching on the internet after a dodgy result with FRER and I think I've fallen foul to this dodgy batch.
I am only 9DPO but took a test this evening and saw a control line and then on the left, where the test line is, 2 very short pink lines. Like not from top to bottom, but just at the top. I thought I also saw the very left hand sided one go down to the bottom.
I looked again after about 10 minutes and the entire test, apart from the control line, is negative. Nothing there at all.
As a surrogate, on cycle number 3, I was very excited for a split second. Everyone raves about FR and I've never had a dud result before but it only takes one to put you off a brand for life when dealing with this rubbish at such an emotionally charged time.
FYI, the expiry date was: 11/2011 and batch number was: BU9243DC
It was a pack of 2 and the other test was fine, as far as I can recall.'
Read the first post of that thread and you'll see it's a long-standing problen with FRER tests: http://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-tests/265092-faulty-frers-please-aware.html
The poster in there put a picture of her dud test and to save you from having to sign up to see, I'll c+p it. Don't say I'm not good to you! I'll post it in a seperate thread altogether.
Mine wasn't like that as I said in my description but since a) the test wasn't meant to have 3 lines, b) the lines didn't stick around or go all the way down and c) the batch number matched the known faulty batch number, I think it's very safe to say it was faulty.
Arrrrgh. WTF is it about me and surrogacy and suddenly taking all the crappiest tests? What with my evap scare last cycle and now this. It's beyond ridiculous. I have taken every brand (well it certainly felt like it) over the past 11 years and I keep experiencing these firsts with pregnancy tests.
FRER is supposed to be THE best test out there. Like hell. This has been known for about 8 months now and they are still out there on sale.
I'm pretty pissed off tonight. As I said though, I got my just desserts for not hanging out. Still, I'd have been much more pissed off if I'd got to period day and taken it and that had happened and I'd seen something pink on the result line.
FTR, I took a Superdrug (generic chemist brand to you non-UK'ers) and it was a glaringly BFN so this cycle is pretty much done and dusted.
I suppose since in the end, my FRER was negative, it was actually correct but not without the heart-stopping, tingly excitement I first felt at seeing something on the test side of the window.
FUCK IT, it's time like these that I wish I drank. :o(
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