Monday, 26 July 2010

The Rollercoaster Has Stopped

Well for this cycle anyway. AF arrived this morning.

Cycle 1: Length: 27 and LP: 11
Cycle 2: Length: 33 and LP: 10 (very ill so late ovulation)
Cycle 3: Length: 26 and LP: 10

And not only have I got the tail end of 2 coldsores as well as her arrival but I woke up and today have a sore throat and blocked nose. Someone doesn't like me this week do they?

I might look into something to lengthen my LP this coming cycle, what I don't know. It's always been on the shorter end of normal and since I managed to get pregnant, I wasn't ever worried but this situation is entirely different. Maybe I'll approach my GP about it this week. I wonder what their reaction will be to my surrogacy journey and not only that but whether they'll be more eager to help? I know when I was ttc my own children, the standard was to have been trying for 6+ months or more before they'd consider any assistance (even medication) but as this is for someone else...

I think the fact I have had 3 healthy pregnancies will play against me though.

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