I had my follow-up hospital antenatal appointment yesterday and went solo as it was routine and K & B are cramming in last minute work hours before Boo's arrival.
I'd had a bad night the night before, I had intense and very painful backache, felt generally not right and had awful nausea and sweating. I thought honestly I was in labour. I went to bed, with the thought that if it was the real deal, we'd soon know one way or another and although I slept terribly, I woke up feeling much better. It really messed with my mind though, I realised just how apprehensive I am about the labour and birth and how unprepared I am - mentally and literally!
So, I was not in the best condition for the appointment but I'm glad I still went, even though I just wanted to crawl back in bed.
Bad stuff from the appointment is that my BP has begun to creep up, much like it did with my youngest child - gradually but steadily. I already knew this I think because of the terrible headaches I've been getting lately. The dr (who was the lovely doctor we had seen before, who we wanted to see this time) ordered some bloods to be taken to see what my liver is up to, basically to confirm or rule out the start of pre-eclampsia or confirm if it's just PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) - which is what I had with my youngest. My urine was clear of protein at least so that's a good sign that it is just the latter again.
My sample however did have +3 of leukocytes (white blood cells) and +2 of ketones. Ketones I have every pregnancy and is just when I don't eat enough, which was the case yesterday morning because I felt rough from the night before so that is nothing to worry about. The WBC indicate an infection somewhere, probably a UTI and that could well explain the high BP and feeling so awful the night before. The doctor ordered it to be sent off to the lab to be tested and I'll find out the results (along with the blood results) this afternoon.
Oh and I forgot to mention that last week, my GP called and my iron levels have fallen even further despite me taking a double liquid iron supplement. I knew they had, I've been feeling pretty crappy and as someone with chronic anameia, I know the signs well. I will be talking to my midwife about what can be done at this late stage, I don't want to switch to iron tablets though.
Back to the appointment and all that was left to do at the appointment was to talk through the birth plans, the scheduled section...He basically confirmed that they couldn't justify a section if Boo had turned and that it was still better and safer for me to aim for a vaginal delivery and so he advised the ECV (version) but I told him that no, we were sure we didn't want to go down that avenue and he was fine with it.
There was a student with the doctor and he asked her examine me to check position etc and she couldn't find the head in my pelvic area and so worked up and felt the head under my ribs, confirmed by the doctor. They had a little discussion and he said 'well, let's save all this guesswork and go check!' and off we went for a quick impromtu ultrasound.
None of us could believe it when we saw what we thought was the head, was actually a bottom, on the screen! Boo had fooled us and was actually now head down, perfect position! Ha, just goes to show, as the doctor himself said, you can't even trust a doctor to get it right. LOL.
I had no idea he had turned, much like when my 3rd child did the same and I'm so stuffed full of baby that you would think I would feel a huge shift like that but nope.
So, we're back on for a natural birth which I'm thankful for of course. It'll be nice to be up and running again quicker after the birth, than if I had a section and I don't have to worry about added complications that come with surgery and I'm really happy that I don't have to think about being cut open whilst awake! However, I'm apprehensive about natural labour, despite having done it 3 times before but in fairness, I had a mixed bag of labour and deliveries with them and it's the unexpected again this time around but I'm trying to go into the final few weeks with a positive and open mind and not be scared of labour because that does not help. At least now, I can also get my hospital bag sorted accordingly, can now order my TENS machine for early labour and I can write an appropriate birth plan for the situation so all's good in the end. Now just to hope the small one stays that way round...I kid but honestly, no-one thought he would flip this late so you just never know. I will be asking the midwife when I'm admitted to double (or even triple) check his position as early on as possible though!
With that, we're now ready for launch and Boo is free to make an appearance whenever he is ready - 37w+1d and the countdown has begun! I had a big week this week so I'm glad nothing has happened yet, it would of been sod's law - next week would be perfect as it's the kids last week at school and I would be done, delivered and dusted by the time they are home full-time and in time for Christmas. So little man, are you listening? Get your move ON please. :o) Although knowing you, you've still probably got a few more surprises left for us...Christmas Day perhaps? LOL.
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