Monday, 3 December 2012


It went really well today, at the meeting and we all came away relieved and much more reassured that hopefully the final stages of our journey together, will be just as we want.

We met with the head of midwifery and the hospital matron, both were warm and welcoming and took the lead in terms of talking about how things work in their eyes but it didn't feel like they were lecturing us or anything, it was informal and there was a flow of information from all sides.

Basically, they said that although they have dealt with surrogacy before, they haven't dealt with a male couple before. It was added that that would have no effect on how we were all treated and that everyone would be welcomed and on an equal footing - the same as any normal couple having a baby.

Almost straight away we were told that at least one of the guys would be allowed to stay overnight with me, if an overnight or longer stay was necessary - as long as there was a free amenity room and that they would make every effort to see that we got one. Both B and I immediately saw a smile cross K's face and he visibly relaxed at that point, we could all tell that actually this meeting wasn't going to be a battle like we'd all feared.

We were told that they were fine with either K or B assuming care of their son and staying as much as they wanted, even if we aren't fortunate enough to get a private room. Just that without a private room, the guys would have to leave overnight and come back first thing - that's just how it has to be on a ladies only ward.

They said that the rule they have at the hospital, of the father having open visiting hours, would also be extended to the other father in our case as an exception, for our unique situation.

The rest of the meeting was spent discussing various specifics - such as if I have an emergency c-section and who will be the birthing partner etc.

It was a relatively swift meeting but that wasn't because we felt rushed, rather that we all were in agreement and there was nothing further to discuss!

So, we're all very pleased with the outcome and how we're being treated by the hospital. It's lifted some weight from our shoulders and we can focus on the next obstacle that may present itself - baby still being breech on Wednesday but if we learnt something from today, it's that we shouldn't worry ourselves without cause because things can change quickly and favourably and it's all then just been wasted energy.

We are the very happy 3 Amigos tonight!

1 comment:

~J~ said...

So happy that the meeting went in your favor.

My hospital doesn't give IPs/IFs their own room. Just not enough room. But, thats great that they won't close them out. :)