Saturday, 9 March 2013


AF still hasn't landed in my house yet (8 weeks and counting) but I'm really ready to jump back into ttc! I'm in hormonal hell currently so hoping it is because she's not too far away.

I've had a fair bit of interest from various sites and existing contacts but nothing has jumped out at me and made me want to take things further. I'm having confidence issues too, which is crazy given I've 'proven' myself, which should make me feel good about putting myself out there and forwards, but no, some things never change!

Oli is getting bigger and cuter, he has started to sleep through the night sometimes I hear, which is lovely for his sleep-deprived parents. He also had his first set of vaccinations today and I hear both him and his dads were brave. I'm finally starting to see a bit of myself when I look at pictures of him but it doesn't bother me at all, just nice to see how much he changes.

Not much else to say really but felt I should post something to keep the blog ticking over.

1 comment:

L said...

Seems a new thing to be actually hoping for af after so long of praying she doesn't show! hope she shows up soon xx