Sunday, 16 May 2010

1 Down, 1 To Go!

My OPK was near enough matching this morning but was still considered negative. My IM was on tenterhooks, she'd filled the car up with petrol, got her bag ready, had a cat sitter in place, the guesthouse marked out and had taken tomorrow off of work. All we needed was *the* call. We were hoping for today as IF had work tomorrow and if I ovulated tomorrow, he couldn't cancel his clients and would have to leave it until Tuesday before he could get here. And IM wouldn't have been able to make tomorrow with him either.

Anyway, I tested again about 4 hours later and thought it really looked positive but wasn't sure so I took another about 30 minutes later and really watched the clock to check the time before looking at it and this time, the test line was definitely darker than the control line so this was a GO! Our BFP OPK. I had hubby look at it too for an independent opinion and he agreed that this was definitely to be considered a positive test.

I was a little surprised I didn't see a BFP yesterday as Friday and Saturday my mucus was perfect, whereas today it wasn't as great but all things considered, today was THE day apparently.

I text them around midday and my IM told me the guesthouse said they could check in from 4pm so there were making their way down. I text them about 4pm to find out how they were getting on and IM called me a short while later to say they'd made it and to sort out the final arrangements.

The kids were being nightmares, I think my middle is possibly coming down with chickenpox. Or at the very least, something illness-wise as she is not a happy camper. So I really didn't want my IPs here and dealing with that. I decided to go to them at the guesthouse so I text when I left home and since they are only literally 4 roads away, it worked out fine. IM left IF to do his bit and we stood outside and then in my car in the car park just laughing and waiting for IF to text.

My IM was still grinning like a cheshire cat, exactly as I met her and left her doing back in March. And we just laughed about the craziness of what we were doing. It was light-hearted and conversation flowed easily though which is nice as it just took the edge off of any awkwardness.

Now, I wasn't sure if I should leave out the nitty gritty of inseminations but in the event of another first-timer would there reading this, I'm going to put it in as I know I had no clue how things actually worked and was very apprehensive. I wish I had somewhere that laid it all out for me to read so if you're squeamish - look away NOW!

IF did his bit alone in the room and then me and IM went in after he left. It was funny, the poor man was so mortified, he couldn't even look at me. I'm sure (if we have to!) next time it'll all be a little easier.

IF had put it in an insulated bottle bag to keep it warm but it was literally only a matter of minutes between transfer to be honest.

IM asked if I wanted to use the syringes or the Instead Cups she'd bought me. I opted for the cup as it keeps everything where it needs to be and with me having to get straight back to the children and be on my feet all evening, it was easier and erm, well, tidier.

I asked if she wanted to put the sample in the cup, or me and she said she was too squeamish to which made me laugh as it is her man's! LOL But I went into the en-suite and poured the sample into the Instead Cup and did the necessary and that was that.

We then hugged and walked out to my car and arranged to see one another tomorrow after I've dropped the oldest 2 off at school, to do another insemination. I'm going to continue to test with OPK's until they go negative and then it's keeping everything crossed and seeing what happens in about 11 days time from now. Oh how exciting!

If I'm honest, I'm 99% sure it won't work first time. It's pretty usual for surrogacy to take around 3-6 attempts to achieve a positive. If they do at all obviously. We'd have to be super duper lucky to catch the first go but of course that's not to say I'm not thinking positive and keeping optimistic.

Everything seemed to fall into place this cycle though. With lots of good omens along the way so maybe this will happen first time for us? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I think I feel ovulation pains as I type which would be absolutely perfect timing indeed! So, watch this space.

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