Saturday, 1 May 2010


Sorry I've been quiet but there's really not been too much to report. We were just waiting on the arrival of my period and I'm thrilled to say she showed her face today!

Isn't it funny how any other time and I'd be grumbling that she showed to spoil an otherwise nice Bank Holiday weekend but I'm thrilled this time. She certainly took her time, I'm usually 26-28 days but this was a 34'er. Although I've had the month from hell with stress and I'm just getting over illness so it makes sense it messed her arrival date up.

Hopefully I won't have to worry about seeing her untimely self anytime soon once she leaves. Fingers crossed!

So, now we just wait until around cycle day (CD) 13 when I'm going to start using my OPK's and hopefully we'll see a lovely positive one around CD16-18 and our first insem can take place.

I feel a bit jittery in a way, it's even more real than it was before. We've moved another step closer, I have a feeling with each milestone reached this month, I'll feel butterflies. I hope knowing how things will work, will make it easier *should* we do it all again next month but we're not thinking like that are we? Positive Mental Attitude. Chant it with me, 'P.M.A! P.M.A!'

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