Wednesday, 26 May 2010


I caved and took a HPT this morning, it was negative.

There are a number of reasons why it's entirely possible it's a false negative but at the risk of spending a few seconds listing them and she still arrives on time tomorrow, I won't bother.

My IPs are feeling the pressure. IM said she burst into tears driving yesterday, planning out either a + or - ending to this cycle in her head.

I e-mailed her the result of the test, I know her heart will sink but we'll pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and start planning next cycle. We would have had to of been incredibly lucky for it to have worked out this time.

I'm going away on holiday (without the kids!) next week so if she does appear, at least I've something to lift my spirits. Oh and the fact I can then take an oral medication for the yeast beast that *still* won't leave. Grrrr.

1 comment:

Dara said...

((hug)) Everything crossed for the next cycle!