Half way through this final cycle of Clomid and oh yes, the dreaded bloating returned for this 3rd cycle of it. I hadn't missed it. Not quite as impressive as the 1st cycle but still, just as uncomfortable and something that no lady is happy to see.
Apart from that, the only side effects I've had so far this cycle are that I've been a bit irritable, teary and the usual brain fog, tiredness and hot flushes.
The latter have been a bit worse this time around but I'm fighting off a cold also right now so I think I'm experiencing hot flushes from both which ends up just being one intense heat explosion after another. I could probably attribute the tiredness to the cold too, to some extent anyway, because it definitely seems worse this cycle.
On a positive note, K & B have booked their accommodation for this cycle - It's, would you believe, on a canal boat! They had looked at something similar before but had found somewhere else in the end but this time, it's a Bank Holiday weekend here in the UK and as such, and bearing in mind the late booking, most local places were full but B found this.
I'm not a boat person to be honest so I was a bit nervous when K told me but it's permanently moored so it's not like it's going anywhere. I'm sure it'll be good fun, well once I've been there and reassured myself that it's perfectly safe and not going to end up becoming my watery grave! LOL, over dramatic, me? Nah... ;o)
Still, imagine being able to say to a child that they were conceived on a boat, pretty cool I reckon.
Very much looking forward to seeing the guys again, I actually feel pretty relaxed this cycle - more so than last if I'm honest. I don't know why, perhaps it's just familiarity taking over and so this has become the norm now and doesn't involve so much stress any more. I'm enjoying it though as I know once the 2ww hits, that will definitely all change!
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