Tuesday, 24 July 2012


I'm growing well although I wake up in the morning and my tummy is much flatter which is weird to see.

Nausea settling down for now (touches the nearest bit of wood) which is much appreciated. Boo is however definitely making their presence felt by making me have to get up to pee several times a night which is not so appreciated but means that he/she is growing in there.

I did have some cramping, backache and a tiny and I mean minute (no panicking, Mr W!), bit of spotting today but I think I overdid the cleaning marathon and combined with the 28c heatwave we have here in England at the moment, it was all just a bit too much so I took it easy and went for a swim instead and all is fine this evening.

I'm finding more people noticing I'm pregnant and me having to tell a lot more which is still nerve-wracking as you just never know how they'll take it but I've had nothing but positivity thankfully. I still find it odd how people are so amazed at what I'm doing or tell me I'm wonderful, still not comfortable with it as I don't think I'm anything special - just someone using what mother nature gave me to some good use.

I still cannot believe this is really happening to me by the way, I'm so proud and happy that I don't mind telling the world really!

We have our next midwife appt on Thursday, which I'm apprehensive about given what's happened with her since my booking in appointment many weeks ago but I'm going in with an open mind and just getting it over and done with. K thinks she'll be accompanied, so she can't put her ignorant foot in her mouth any more.

Also, we scheduled a private ultrasound for the morning because it seems ages since we've seen Boo and it means the guys can get a sneak peak at the gender hopefully! Very exciting. I'm also very pleased to see both K & B again, I haven't seen K in 5 weeks and B in 7 - that seems like an eternity when for 11 cycles, we saw one another every 3-4 weeks!

Next appt up after that is with the hospital where I will deliver. Definitely not looking forward to that either since they've made it clear that they have a set policy and will not accommodate any deviation. Also, from my other pregnancies, I know that it's pot luck which doctor you see on the day and most of them have very set opinions on antenatal care and delivery - I don't do well being told what to do so that'll be interesting. I just hope my fragile hormones hold up, if I cry I will be furious with myself.

A busy few weeks coming up and it's the school summer holidays here too so with 3 children home, being pregnant and a husband who works a lot of hours and nights at that, I'm probably best avoided for the next 6 weeks. You've been warned! ;o)

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