Thursday, 19 July 2012

I Surrendered!

I gave in and saw my GP today about the never-ending sickness, after spending much of a school trip yesterday hugging the sick bucket that was meant for the children, I figured I'd reached my lowest point!

So the doctor dipped my urine as a standard test and very surprisingly, I have a bad UTI - which may explain my awful sickness somewhat. I have no symptoms of said UTI though, which is a blessing obviously because the last thing I needed was to feel any worse.

She prescribed some antibiotics and some anti-sickness pills and so I'm hopeful from one or the other, we'll soon be on top of this and I can start feeling better.

Today, I've also had some general backache and low tummy pains, not concerned, think it's from that other lovely but very common pregnancy ailment. Yuck.

Feeling tired and emotional today, that's real-life stuff though and pregnancy hormones are just magnifying it all. Start of the school summer holidays here though - hurrah. And yes, you did detect sarcasm there. I love my children with my entire being but 7 weeks of them being home makes me want to run away fast! I got on Google this evening and have booked a lot of trips out already for us all, with more free ones in between to do ad-hoc so I think (hope!) we'll all survive unscathed.

Oh and I also told my placement class at school that I'm pregnant and they were so pleased judging by the look on their faces but this one boy looked absolutely horrified! LOL. Very sweet when I was saying goodbye to them all and one little boy walked past, waved at my tummy and said 'bye bye baby!' Awww.

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