My morning sickness has just gone off the scale these past few days, I feel like I'm going to be sick all day and even during the night, it's absolutely horrendous. And me being vomit phobic is not helping.
So, I've broken the big guns out - I've got the accupressure bands on, the peppermint oil to sniff and I gave in and took some anti-nausea tablets today but I didn't have much choice because I still need to function, I still have a life to lead and when I'm feeling this dreadful, it's becoming almost impossible. Even with the tablets, I still feel nauseous but it's about a 6 out of 10, which is a level I can just about deal with.I think I've just got very unlucky to be suffering worse in the 2nd trimester, instead of the 1st - this started bad at nearly 12 weeks and has just carried on and on. I'm definitely looking forward to feeling better very soon!
I also took my first 'for public viewing' bump picture tonight. Now, I'm large to begin with so my bump is never going to look like those you see from skinny women - you know the ones, where they look like they've swallowed an M&M and that's a bit depressing sometimes to be honest. No, I'm definitely a real woman, with real curves and the 3-pregnancy marks to prove it! But, getting bigger is part of the journey and I want to document that just as much as I've blogged about the journey so far so look away now if you're eating - LOL....

Excuse the manhandling of boobs going on in the last one but it's difficult to get them contained!
Looking forward to getting a proper bump and not just looking like I have a severe case of PMT swelling.
Also this past week, I purchased a doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat. This was for my comfort as much as K & B's and I wanted to give them some reassurance and a nice memory, during these few weeks where we have no check-ups and are just left drifting along on our own. It will also serve well throughout the pregnancy because if I don't think I've felt enough movement then having a quick listen will reassure us all somewhat.
Anyway, I decided to record the heartbeat on the monitor and send it to K and B but it was tricky to say the least! Baby Boo was tricky to locate in the first place and I had the children running in and out and playing which was distracting and meant I had to keep starting and stopping the recording and then when I started again, the baby had moved and I had to chase it down all over again! It was all OK in the end though and I got a short recording done for them, they were thrilled with the surprise e-mail they received containing it!
Only other news is that I had some drama over my recent blood tests again last week but it was all cleared up in the end, I'm not a thalassemia carrier, which I said all along and I do have slightly low HB but my ferritin (which is usually awful) is at its highest since 2002 so I don't need to take the dreaded iron tablets and that's that off my mind, thankfully.
That's pretty much all I've got to post about, 17 days until we see the midwife and I'm hoping my big 20 week scan appointment will come through soon too - very excited about that one, I keep seeing a cute little outfit that I would like to buy as a gift for the baby but have to wait until we know which colour it is. Secretly, I'm pretty sure it's a girl and most other people seem to agree so it'll definitely be fun to know if my intuition is right!
Your belly looks great! I am right behind you and already huge. I guess after 8 pregnancies, it will happen. LOL I am so embarrassed though, when someone asks how far long I am. LOL DOH!!!
I keep meaning to go get some sea bands. How are they working so far? I tried them on pregnancy #2, without much luck. But, am willing to give it a go again. :)
Thanks, hun! Oh I know that feeling, when I was 8 weeks, I felt like I do now!
Seabands make it a little more tolerable but if I'm honest, not much hence taking the meds and wearing them. Are you still suffering too then? This is the worst bit for me.
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