Saturday, 22 December 2012

Oh Boy, Where To Start!

I literally don't know where to start with catching up on what's been going on. most importantly I will say, Boo is fine - he's about the only thing that has been OK! No drama or anything to update on that score. He's still safely (and comfortably it seems!) in his uterus cocoon.

No, all the drama began when my daughter had her tonsils removed on Monday, we only got the date the Saturday and didn't make the final decision until Sunday night. We were unsure if we should do it this close to Christmas and baby delivery day but figured we may as well get it over and done with.

Monday came and I ended up suffering a horrendous migraine and couldn't be with her for the op but my husband was so she was happy, even when I wasn't at being unable to be there for a few hours. I think it was just the stress and lack of sleep from the weeks before because I've not had a migraine for some 20 odd years now and so it scared the hell out of me because it was so unexpected and the vision/headache thing made me panic about pre-eclampsia. A phone call to my sister to take care of the other 2 small people, one of the midwife for reassurance and a quick visit to the doctor for a bp check and I was given the all-clear on the pre-e score as my bp was fine thankfully. It was just a question of having an hours rest and then heading to the hospital to be with my daughter and getting on with the thumping head pain that plauged me for the remainder of the day.

Her op went well and she recovered perfectly and we were able to leave the hospital within the expected 6 hours post-op and headed home. We knew we'd be in for a rough ride recovery-wise with her but it ended up being worse than that...

That night she was running a temp, I only have BBT thermometers (ha!) and so couldn't check it but I could tell by touch, I'd read a low grade temp post-op was normal and so although we had an awful night pain wise too with her, I just assumed it was all part of the expected course but it made for another awful nights sleep for us all yet again.

Next day she was worse, she couldn't stay awake, wasn't making sense, wouldn't take her pain meds or any food or drink and was burning hot. All day I felt uneasy watching her and managed to get a GP appt for that evening, we never actually made it as far as a consultation because our surgery consistently runs late and this was no different - so fed up of waiting and waiting, whilst my poor girl struggled to stay almost conscious in the waiting room, I asked for my husband to contact the ward where she'd had her op and they told us to bring her straight to A&E and so I walked out, disgusted (which I voiced to the receptionist who could see how sick my child was and did nothing to speed us through the wait) and we went to the hospital.

It turns out that infection had set in already and she had to be admitted for IV painkillers, antibiotics and re hydration. My wonderful husband stayed again because I couldn't risk going into labour and having to leave her there alone so it made me sense but I cried the entire ride home, yet again I couldn't be with her when I should of been and my mummy guilt went into overdrive. It was gone 1am before I fell into bed and obviously I didn't sleep much for worrying so yet more broken sleep.

The following day and she turned a corner and was much better but we still had a fight to get her to eat and drink and take oral meds or risk being kept in again. Lots of pleading and bribery, tears from both her and I, and threats of her not being home for Christmas - oh and a change of meds to one that was the 'right' colour and we were discharged late that evening. I'm happy to report that she is continuing to do better, still has lots of pain and isn't anywhere near back to normal but 5 days post-op and we're managing to keep her somewhat comfortable for the most part. Apart from a couple of nights ago, when we had a fight with her at 1am about the meds again, we've also managed to catch up on some lost sleep.

I've spent all this time hoping that I didn't go into labour because I couldn't fathom how I could juggle everything and how physically and mentally I could labour and deliver, without complete breakdown. I'm still hoping the little man stays put for a few more days so I can continue to rest up and prepare but who knows. I've still not so much as packed my hospital bag!

With everything that's gone on, I've also come down with a bad sore throat which has knocked me sideways. Nothing compared to my poor girl's sore throat but very painful nonetheless and it's not helping me feel very festive. Talking of which, because we unexpectedly had a small one home all last week, the final bits of Christmas present shopping and all the wrapping has still to be done. I'm so unprepared and not at all in the mood for the big day, that's making me feel like shit, I like to be organised and prepared in advance and I usually love Christmas but not this year. Tomorrow also marks another anniversary of the death of my father and with my mum and gran not here in Bristol this year either, well frankly I just want to curl up until 2013 arrives. Oh and before events of the past week, my husband decided to invite my inlaws to Christmas dinner....Yeah, 'nuff said.

That's what's been happening here, I feel like I've been on a very fast and twisty roller coaster. I'm so ready to get this baby out and where he belongs, I need to get some normality back into all our lives but there's still so much uncertainty to go. I thought having a Christmas baby would be so lovely and I'm sure minus all the other crap that's gone on, it would be but now I'm realising it's actually not so ideal! Ah well, bit too late to do anything about that now - let's just hope he doesn't make us wait past our due date or else 2013 will begin with as much uncertainty as 2012 ended with!

1 comment:

~J~ said...

First off tell your husband he is FIRED for inviting the inlaws. Full term at Christmas? Unless they are coming to cook/clean for you for Christmas, that was a terrible idea. Boooo!

I hope you daughter continues to do well. And, that you find some comfort with your dads passing, somehow this year.

Its almost done.

Big hugs!!