So, this morning I woke up with a ton of mucus. Just because, I thought I'd take an OPK to see it was nothing and was shocked when it came up the biggest, brightest and most obvious + ever.
I'm supposed to be like 6DPO by our wrong thinking.
Cue lots of mad texting between me and my IPs, both are at work and IF especially has a crazy work schedule this weekend making it basically impossible for them to get back down to me.
Now, it's normally that the surrogate doesn't put themselves out in any way for insems. The IPs do all the leg work but I felt so awful about missing opportunities this cycle that I've jumped at the chance to try and get to them. This is actually a logistical nightmare with 3 small children on a weekend and a husband working nights but with lots of planning and a wonderful Mum on overnight babysitting duties, I think we've worked something out.
Hubby is down for bedtime duty whilst I make tracks, then Mum will come in and take over and he's going to go to work. He has to catch the bus as I'm taking the car, good job I have a wonderfully understanding husband isn't it?! What other man would willingly let their wife jaunt off to do an insem for another man, whilst bearing the inconvienience of also being made to catch the bus! LOL
I feel terrible still but will just suck it up and take a slow and steady drive up. I hope to be there around 8pm as IF doesn't finish until 9pm so getting their any earlier isn't necessary and it means the roads will be quiet.
I'll be staying overnight with my IPs which makes me very nervous also but at least I know I'm going to stay with people who'll look after me well. Looking especially forwards to a big IM hug and a grin.
My ovaries are almost pulsating so yes, definite ovulation activity going on down there! At least we'll be in the proper 2WW after this instead of just guessing.