Saturday, 12 June 2010


My OPK's are still considered negative. This point in my cycle last month, we had done our first insem so I'm already a bit jittery. I've had a calm few weeks so I can't see why ovulation would be delayed but Mother Nature may have other ideas of course.

I'm unwell at the moment too, I have the headache from hell, a sore throat, the sweats and tonight the intenal shivering and aching joints has hit. Ugh. Bad timing indeed.

I was feeling pretty sorry for myself and had planned an evening curled up on the sofa, wallowing but then my IM e-mailed me that she was at the guesthouse that they use when here for insems! Sneaky woman, she hadn't wanted to put me under any pressure so kept it to themselves but she has faith that I'll ovulate at some point tomorrow and the timing will be great.

I'm excited as anything to see them again, we've planned our lunch trip tomorrow and now it's a continuation of the waiting game. They have to leave tomorrow evening as IF can't ring in sick as his employers are now aware of their surrogacy journey and would know instantly that it was a lie. It'll be ok though, I'm close to ovulating I reckon and since sperm can live up to 5 days, if we do an insem tomorrow evening, we'll be covered for this cycle.

So, that's where we are today!

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