Friday, 11 June 2010

It's Nearly Time!

We're at that time again, I'm due to ovulate tomorrow but these things can't be pre-planned of course. My OPK this morning was darker but not as dark as I remember the one the night before last month's ovulation being.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.

We've decided to try the syringe method this month. IM has been looking into it further and asked if I would. Of course I said it was fine, it's their call! It makes no odds to me to be honest, I'm more interested on the final result than how we get there so let's give anything a whirl I say.

My IPs are all packed and ready for the call, they are meeting my 3 children for the first time this weekend also which is nerve-wracking for me as I do what all parents do and pray they behave themselves! I'm sure all will be ok, they are such lovely people and so are my children, even if I do say so myself.

Will update when the big O day is here.

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