Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Cycle Day 1

After a brief brush with an evaporation line on a pregnancy test, she arrived today, a day earlier than anticipated.

33 day cycle, with a 10 day LP.

And let me add a cautionary tale to avoid cheap internet strips, they are rubbish. Well, maybe I'm just a little bitter. I actually had an accurate result when I used them with my 3rd child and have never before yesterday seen an evaporation line on ANY pregnancy test but these ones were dire. I saw this same line again and again and again.

The brand, incase you're wondering, is: One-Step Test by Unitest. In pink and white tear foil packaging. Sensitivity 25mIU. Company website :

I made the mistake of telling my IM about it this morning but luckily she was very relaxed about it and concurred that it didn't look right to her either and we'd just wait it out. I still imagine she had a small amount of hope and that my text that AF had arrived would have stung a little. Ugh.

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