Monday, 28 June 2010

She's Lurking

I know it. I feel very PMT'ish today, I've a whole bunch of symptoms that lead me to believe she'll be here as expected.

I did take a test this morning (9DPO) and it was a resounding BFN. Yes, it's still early and it's not over until she arrives blah, blah, blah but when you combine a negative test with the fact that you feel like you want to rip the head off anyone who so much as blinks at you, that doesn't make you feel too optimistic.

The test basically reflects what my body is telling me so I'm confident in saying that this will be a bust again.

It's been a horribly long cycle to boot, probably ending up as a 34 day'er so it makes the impending arrival of AF even more irritating. We could be on CD6 had my cycle been as I thought it would be and I hadn't got sick before ovulation.

She's actually due on my 10th wedding anniversary on Thursday, lucky me, what a present. Hubby and I are booked into a hotel this weekend as a short get-away break so at least I can drown my sorrows with room service and non-kid interupted sleep.

So, cycle #3, here we come! Hard to believe we've hit the halfway point in our journey already. I know a lot of surrogate friends who've had luck on the 3rd attempt, I hope we're one of them.

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