Monday, 14 June 2010

Pear Shaped

We did the 1 insem and then I woke up yesterday morning feeling like death, I felt so sick and we changed the plan to do a drop-off and I'd insem at home but I just couldn't even contemplate it in the end. So ill.

The plan was/is to travel to them when I eventually ovulate but I think I'm ovulating today and there's no way I can drive 2 hours there and 2 hours back in this state. Oh and poor IM e-mailed me to say she's now feeling dreadful so it looks like not only did I throw a spanner in the works for insems but I gave her my germs too.

Feels like such a flipping waste of an opportunity but what can we do? These things happen. IPs are being sweethearts as usual, saying it doesn't matter, we can always try again next cycle but I just hate to be beaten and am still weighing up whether I can get there or not today.

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