Thursday 12 January 2012


It's been a year since my last match began, well the first lot of insems anyway and my mind is naturally drawn to what lies ahead this year in terms of surrogacy and how I would like things to go.

I've decided to begin charting again this cycle - Hurrah! I'm so sad but I love charting and I never fail to be fascinated by what it shows. Firing up Fertility Friend again felt good!

I've also started thinking about Clomid vs. natural when I begin insems again - hypothetically speaking obviously at this point. We know that Clomid certainly did the job of getting me ovulating regularly and it wasn't such a bad experience either so I'm drawn to giving it another go next match and seeing what happens.

In an ideal world, I would like to get my tubes checked out but I've decided that I'm not going to stress it this time around. I know I'm fertile, it's just a question of fate and you know what, if I don't get pregnant 3rd time around, it's really not the end of the world. Ha, who would of thought I'd be saying that? Not me!

I'm definitely so much more chilled with regards to surrogacy nowadays, I think I've just realised that it doesn't have to be all consuming and I'm OK with that. As I know I've said before, I'm so busy in every area of my life that I don't have the time to give the whole process as much thought or time as before and I'm very much hoping that for my next match, it's as quick a process each cycle as possible and with as least disruption to my life as possible - give me the necessary, let's do what's needed and then go our separate ways for the 2ww. Sounds a plan to me! I hope I find a couple who feel exactly the same way.

This is where previous experience comes in, you know what works and what doesn't and you know what you want out of a match. Now, I know it's a two-way street and that there has to be an element of compromise but I'm hoping that I find a match where they understand time pressures but trust me to know what I'm doing and do what's best where ttc is concerned. I don't have the time (or inclination) to hold hands or walk a couple through the process, I'm too far in the surrogacy game to want to go back to the start.

Most of all I am just eager to get started again, it feels like its been ages. I hope that my next match is just around the corner because honestly, I would start insems next week - if only it were that easy!

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