Tuesday 10 May 2011

As Instructed

K told me I really should update my blog and always the dutiful surrogate, here I am. ;o)

Today I'm 9dpo and it appears I did ovulate after all and we actually did insem at exactly the right time again. So much for my last post!

I had my progesterone blood test yesterday and will call Thursday and see if the results are in. I feel pretty optimistic that I have ovulated this cycle but will await official confirmation before saying it too loudly.

Charting is going well, I appear to of possibly got a triphasic thing going on. If that sounds like a type of long extinct dinosaur, read the following link and make today a learn-something-new day :


As that says, it doesn't mean anything definitively and I'm certainly not getting my hopes up but rather just keeping an eye on things with keen interest.

I'm not charting symptoms this cycle, we decided on that in keeping with the chilled attitude we've adopted this cycle. And I've also already stopped charting my cervical position and mucus. Although K isn't sure if he likes me not keeping track actually!

Nothing else to update at this stage, I've been on holiday with the family and we are all keeping ourselves busy which is helping the 2ww go by quicker. Expecting AF around Sunday so not long to go now, thankfully.

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