Wednesday 11 May 2011

Scrap That

My charting software decided to alter my ovulation date this morning, I've no idea why since nothing I entered was any different from the previous 4 days of the same temperature and it took it 9 days to decide that it had got it wrong but there you go. Gotta love technology.

So, it puts me back now to only 8dpo and with an expected AF arrival of Tuesday. Blah. I'm not a happy person about it as it means that insems were not as well timed as we'd hoped/thought, in that case. I mean, we did what we did and what is done, is done but yeah, it is kind of a kick in the ass in hindsight.

On the more upbeat side, my chart is still to be considered triphasic and looks great and we did get insems in within the all important 5 days prior to ovulation day window that you're meant to, and several at that so we're certainly not out completely. Optimistic but realistic sums it up best!

ETA : I called my Dr for my progesterone results and they weren't favourable, the level was just 15. As you probably know from my previous posts about it, they have to be 30+ for definite ovulation but anything over 5 is considered 'ovulatory activity'.

Strangely the note on the screen was 'may not of ovulated' and yet when I had a level of 25 on cycle 2, the note said 'no ovulation' so go figure. I wonder if perhaps the lab tech saw something in the sample that led them to believe I may of got my timing wrong and that gave the lower value? Hmmm.

I really am beginning to think I should stop blogging my thoughts, seriously how many times can I publicly be wrong in one cycle? LOL. I do still maintain that I ovulated though, everything fits and points towards it and we all know the blood test is not an exact science. Something has made my temperature rocket like it hasn't before and that's more accurate than the blood test.

All in all though, a bit of downer on what was already a bit of a crappy day after my chart confusion this morning but you know what, I think we just have to say that this cycle is one where we just have no real idea of what's happened but that soon enough we'll know the most important thing - the outcome. I spoke to K earlier and feel better after talking it through and he shares the same sentiment so we continue to wait and hope and will simply just have to see what happens in the coming few days.

On a final note - This afternoon, a friend posted a very apt quote and it says why I'm doing surrogacy and why I keep going even when things get tough :

'Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do'

H. Jackson Brown Jr

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