Thursday 21 July 2011

Dedicated? Oh Yes!

Such is my dedication to my blog that this post comes to you from onboard a high speed train (currently 104mph for the train buffs amongst you!) Well, I have a spare hour or so and thought I may as well be productive and update.

I am on my way home after another round of insems and a stay at Hotel K & B. B has a new job that means he can't take any holiday to travel down and K had no cover at work - the joys of it being holiday season. Anyway, I enjoy a break for a few days and the kids get lots of Daddy bonding time so it's a win-win situation. Doesn't stop me missing them of course but I am never off the phone so it is like I am still there!

We had planned single donor insems again but it suited us better to share the responsibility and it makes no odds really. Research still hasn't thrown up evidence either way so we just went with what suited us logistic wise.

And so the dreaded 2ww begins - number 8. Never thought and certainly hoped we wouldn't still be at the same stage either but I have been very relaxed this cycle, more than ever before infact, I have found my 'happy place' I think this time around.

Had a really nice time with the guys, they were both busy but things were relaxed and comfortable. I spent a while with B's parents again and that was fantastic, it helps keep me focused and positive. I know some see surrogacy as a business transaction but that was never how I wanted my surrogacy experience to be and I feel comfortable in my role and have made peace with what being so deeply invested and involved with my IPs will bring when my 'job' is done. I don't and never will regret the relationship K, B and I share - no matter how it concludes.

Ok, enough of that deep stuff!

So, we made a joint decision not to use OPKs this cycle, well we have the benefit of experience and feel they don't offer much use nowadays so we went solo, which was quite liberating, shedding a bit of pressure this cycle but both K & I almost caved!

In other news, my Mum was granted planning permission to build a long-awaited retirement home in the Scottish Highlands! The plan has always been for us to move there - all of us, my family too...That obviously has implications for my surrogacy journey and therefore for K & B too. The clock is truly ticking now, to get pregnant and be delivered before we leave.

I need to finish this journey before I can start my new Scottish one, surely our turn has to be nearby? I am relaxed as I said but still as impatient as ever to move forwards. If perseverence wins the race, we should be near the finishing line, right?!

Watch this space I guess to see if cycle 8 is the one.

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