Friday 8 July 2011


Journey 1:

Cycle 1: Length: 27 and LP: 11
Cycle 2: Length: 33 and LP: 10 (ill so late ovulation)
Cycle 3: Length: 26 and LP: 10
Cycle 4: Length: 26 and LP: 00 (annovulatory)
Cycle 5: Length: 27 and LP: 11
Cycle 6: Length: 28 and LP: 12 (took B6)


Cycle 7: Length: 24 and LP: ? (not tracking ovulation)
Cycle 8: Length: 26 and LP: ?
Cycle 9: Length: 27 and LP: ?

K & B stats:

Cycle 10: Length: 25 and LP: 10
Cycle 11: Length: 29 and LP: 14
Cycle 12: Length: 26 and LP: 10
Cycle 13: Length: 28 and LP: 13 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)
Cycle 14: Length: 28 and LP: 13 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)
Cycle 15: Length: 26 and LP: 12 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)
Cycle 16: Length: 27 and LP: 12 (Clomid 100mg - Days 2-6)

I have decided from next cycle, I won't be listing any other stats than those from my current match. Firstly, because I have OCD and the growing list looks untidy and is bothering me - go on, make the loser sign on your forehead, I know but at least I admit it! And secondly, because I see no relevance of stats from that long ago and especially when I am now on meds and have a completely different cycle pattern.

In keeping with the title of this post, my stats:

5 out of 7 cycles, I have ovulated - 2 of those were low level ovulation.

1 cycle, we don't know about as I wasn't monitored and 1 I know was annovulatory.

These stats help me to feel like we haven't actually had 7 unsuccessful cycles but the flip side, that we've only had 3 cycles where we were in with a proper chance. There is still a long way to go yet!

1 comment:

So many books, so little time said...

stay positive you WILL get there xx