Sunday 10 June 2012

Baby Stealing Sanity!

I have spent most of the evening crying about stuff, it has been like Niagra Falls here and talk about not being able to make a decision....I was always indecisive but lately it has become awful.

So, it has gone midnight, it took me hours of crying and thrashing to make a decision I could of made hours ago and I am tired and have sore eyes, this baby has officially stole my sanity! Send help!

Expecting more tears tomorrow as I face my fear and get on a plane for Scotland but also as I leave 2 of my 3 children behind with Nanny - yes, I just in a fit of hormonal angst decided I absolutely couldn't leave the smallest behind (he is having attatchment issues, much like me lately) and booked him on the flight last minute. It was £137 well spent to stop the wailing- mine obviously!

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