Wednesday 8 February 2012

Hello, headache!

Clomid - check
Ovulation tests - check
Duofertility installed and working - check
Headache - CHECK!

Ugh, the Clomid headache strikes again it seems, though to be fair it could be the fact that I had my ear syringed today. I have had a really rough few days with my poor ear but thankfully after having it cleaned out, I'm feeling much better now. Though I still have this sore throat that will not shift.

Because I've been so unwell, I decided to delay taking Clomid to avoid feeling even worse. I'm really busy and can't just lay in bed if the side effects, combined with the bug I have, made things terrible so it made sense to simply delay.

I took my first lot yesterday, on CD5 instead. It means that I've no idea when ovulation will occur, just that it's 5-9 days after the last tablet usually so we just have to wait and see. I plan to use OPKs so we at least have a shot at timing it right!

Will be interested to know what my progesterone number is like, taking it later in the cycle. They say that the earlier you take it, the earlier you ovulate and the more eggs you produce. The later you take it, the later you ovulate and you don't produce as many eggs, but they are more mature and of better quality.

I'm enjoying finding my way around the Duofertility stuff and have the sensor under my armpit as instructed, as I type this. I'm excited to do my first download of data in a couple of days, to see what my temperature is doing. I have decided I will do my normal BBT routine this cycle too, just to see how accurate it is. I know it won't match up but it will be interesting to see just how different they are.

This first cycle, as the monitor gets to know your cycle, is a practice run with the technology and that's why I've also the OPKs coming so we don't miss the important window of opportunity but hopefully I can rely a bit more on the software next cycle - if there's a next cycle, right?!

This will also be my last cycle on Clomid, the safe limit is 6. I do wish in some ways there wasn't a break between the last time I took it and this final cycle or even more so, that I'd been able to ttc after the 5th cycle on it because they say you are more fertile sometimes when you stop the Clomid. Oh well, nothing I can do to change that now.

I've been thinking ahead (you know me!) about where I go from here next, if this cycle isn't successful, with regards to medication to induce regular, strong ovulation and I think Femara is the way to go.

It's similar in its action - to induce ovulation, as Clomid but it works in a different way. It also has hardly any side effects and is very successful in getting women pregnant, who failed to either respond to Clomid or get pregnant whilst on it. All interesting stuff. I'm not sure where my GP will stand on prescribing another ovulation inducing medication or this one in particular, since it's normally used in women with breast cancer but there's no harm in trying.

All I can do is go in armed with information and a valid argument for requesting it and see what happens.

So, that's pretty much it for now. I will be having my HSG in a few days and will be back to update on that and how the Duofertility stuff is going.

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