Tuesday 14 February 2012


Of things to talk about that is!

1. My poor underarm is still painful. Unbelievably, I had a reaction to micropore tape, which I am normally fine to use. I have no idea why but it means that although the Duofertility patch reaction has healed mostly, I now have a square skin burn from the tape to deal with!

2. I'm finally feeling OK after my HSG. I had no idea it would be such an ordeal after the actual procedure. I spent my weekend gingerly walking and sitting as my internal organs felt very painful. Driving wasn't much fun either, every time I hit a bump, you almost had to peel my fingernails off of the roof.

3. I was going through my children's memory boxes. We're beginning to pack for our big move to Scotland and things like this that we don't use every week are being boxed and sent to storage, where when the time comes, they will be loaded onto the back of an articulated lorry and moved some 630 miles.

Anyway, so I was sorting through them and I found the positive pregnancy tests from my youngest. Every. single. time they yank at my heart and this was no different. Some 4.5 years and yet that 2nd line is still clearly visible. I want to see 2 lines on a pregnancy test so badly!

4. Why is it when you're matched, everyone else becomes available? 3 times in the past couple of weeks, an IP has contacted me, with a view to perhaps matching! Especially peeved about one who approached me today - it's a long and complicated back story but when I wanted to match with her, she was with another surrogate and now it's the other way around. I'm a big believer that everything happens for a reason but that was a bit of frustrating.

5. Still waiting on ovulation and hoping for this weekend. It's half-term here and I've got so much going on but it's proving to be a good distraction from my cycle which is nice.

And there ends my mixture of a post. Oh and Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Hope you got spoilt rotten.

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