Saturday 8 January 2011

Journey 2 - Attempt 1

I was berated (jokingly I hope!) by one of my IFs for not posting much on this blog but this blog was always going to be about surrogacy rather than just chitchat. If I have nothing surrogacy related to say, I'm not going to post. And anyway, as I told him, it's not quantity, it's quality!

What's new? Well, we're no more than a week off ovulation now which is very exciting! IFs ordered the necessary things a while ago and we were getting worried as the package hadn't turned up but I'm relieved to say that just as we were thinking I may have to go shopping today and IFs would need to dig into their pockets, the postman brought what we were waiting on.

Seeing ovulation tests never fails to get me excited, I know, I'm such a simple creature but it's the hope that they bring. That this cycle, these tests that I will use in the course of the cycle, will be the last ones I need to use and that I will be successful in getting pregnant.

Feeling very relaxed about seeing my IFs again, none of us are nervous about what's ahead, we're both experienced but it's more that we all know what our expected role is in things and just feel really relaxed around one another which has to be help.

As a good friend said to me today, 'enjoy your last weekend of being not pregnant!' It made me chuckle and although I'm always realistic, I'm also optimistic. Wouldn't that be wonderful if she was right! Fingers crossed.

Fittingly enough, as I'm typing this, the pefect lyrics to a song just played on the television behind me -'Life is a rollercoaster, you've just gotta ride it'. Very true.

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