Tuesday 1 May 2012


I knew I would come up against it and there would be people who would judge what I'm doing but it never bothered me so long as I had the support of those closest to me - which I thought I had but actually, that seems not to be the case. I have a feeling I'm going to need to grow some seriously thick skin!

I'm not ashamed of what I'm doing, I'm incredibly proud of myself for following a dream and that it seems that it will finally come true - not many people can say that in life and especially say that they made or completed a family. It's truly mind blowing to think that I will change people's lives forever, just by being selfless. How can that ever be a bad thing? I do not get it.

I know that some people don't understand how a ts can give away a child who is related to her or get over the fact that there has to be money involved but I want to smack them upside the head. I mean, what can honestly be negative about giving someone the gift of life? Why is it so different if you have your own child, why is that more acceptable or joyous than a surrogate pregnancy? Both are conceived out of desire to be a parent and both are equally as special and wanted - perhaps surrogacy babies more so, because of what a person/couple has overcome to get their precious bundle in their arms.

It has upset me and probably even more so because of my current exhausted and hormonal state but I'm still really thrilled that I'm having a surrobaby and I guess I will just deal with each negative encounter at at time. Experienced surrogates tell me that those who are positive about surrogacy far outweigh those who aren't and I hope that's true. I wish there were more experienced ts who would share their own experiences with this though, it would help not to feel like I'm alone - which is why I'm typing mine here in case it helps someone else.

I'm not the type of person who likes to stand out, be stared at or talked about but this time, I won't shy away because I'm not ashamed one bit of this fantastic journey.

I do find it ironic that those who have the strongest opinions are the people with the least room to talk but I guess pointing fingers at others, takes attention away from your own less than perfect antics.

1 comment:

~J~ said...

Sorry you are having problems with people. I have ran into it before. My mom is one of the people completely against surrogacy. It gets frustrating. I have learned who I can talk to about surrogacy.

Chin up! :)