Tuesday 29 May 2012

Popping In

Feeling like a zombie still, I just feel so tired all the time, like absolutely exhausted. I'm sure the recent heatwave we've been having hasn't helped much either. I have been taking a cat nap during the day as and when I'm able but as a busy mum of 3, that's not been as often as I'd of liked!

Thankfully I officially finish my college course very soon, which means one less thing to think about and I'll also soon be dropping 2 other responsibilities I have which will give me some extra breathing space. It's nice to be slowing down just as other parts of my life are really spicing up - such as the babies and the Scotland move!

We have our repeat scan on Thursday, I'm feeling OK about it, obviously apprehensive but alright. If symptoms are anything to go by, there should definitely be 2 healthy ones in there still!

Nausea is also kicking my ass lately, which is the most difficult pregnancy side-effect to deal with for me. I'm almost vomit phobic and I sit there when it's hitting hard, trying to talk myself down - think deep breathing and lots of calming repetitive mantras. So far I've not actually been sick so I'm at least thankful for that.

I did have some quite strong cramping last night but I think I perhaps over-did things and spent far too many hours sat at my computer yesterday too. My poor uterus was probably just having a little protest.

OASN, I received a very unexpected but sweet 'care package' from a dear friend of mine in the surrogacy world, it was a lovely thought on her part and I hope that I can return the kindness when she announces her pregnancy in the not too distant future - I've got faith in you, Ms B! It contained energy tablets, bath and body goodies, good for me snack bars and the biggest bar of chocolate ever - I'm going to enjoy pampering myself and having a tasty treat in the evening, when the morning sickness allows anyway!

Looking forward to hitting the 2nd trimester in a few weeks, it's flown by considering at 5 weeks, 9 weeks seemed like an eternity away!

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