Thursday 17 February 2011

Almost There

There are so many variables when deciding when to take a HPT. Like, when you might of popped the egg out and how long it could of lived before meeting a sperm. How long it took to travel the long (hopefully not winding!) fallopian tube road. When it then decided to dive-bomb head first into your lining and lastly, at what rate the hormone levels decided to get up to full speed. All of those, and more no doubt, have a bearing on when you're going to get a + HPT.

And if you've had children and therefore a + test before, it gets even more complicated. You analyse when you got a result that time, if you had any pregnancy symptoms before that point and so on and so on. Aaaargh.

No real point to this post except to say I'm frustrated, this 2ww was flying by but the past 2 or 3 days have been bad.

I hate squinting at lines, I love a term I read the other day 'line eye' which is what you get when staring too long, and too hard, at a test and switch from room to room to try and influence the result by changing room lighting. LOL. So very true and if you've ever seriously ttc, you will agree.

I've woken up today with the most sore boob ever. Yes, singular, boob. Very odd for me and I wish (and hope!) it's a pregnancy symptom but I just can't get excited. I guess too many let-downs in the past. Still optimistic obviously but realistic - remember that's my mantra throughout this journey!

IFs bought me some Clearblue Digital tests, the new funky ones with Conception Indicator on it but they aren't very sensitive (50mIU) so using them at this stage could give a false result. I love them already because my poor (and they are poorly right now too) eyes can have a well earned rest and this bad boy of the HPT world will simply spell it out in terms that any moron, or in my case, desperate testing fool, can understand.

So, 10dpo and expecting AF either tomorrow or Saturday so the wait is nearly over and we'll soon know where we stand.

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