Thursday 3 February 2011


The entire family has been ill in one way another for coming up for 2 weeks now. It started with coughs, colds and sore throats, we then went though a virus or two, a chest infection, a lot of sickness and ended with probable pharyngitis. It's been ROUGH around here I tell you.

Luckily this has meant my mind's been taken off of surrogacy stress for the past nearly 2 weeks. I had my blood test (Day 1-5) and the results came back as normal/satisfactory. Of course they don't mean much on their own, it's once all the tests and the scan is back, that a picture might emerge.

We're planning on ovulation being the begining of next week but very aware that I've been under a lot of illness and stress which could result in it all being delayed and insems pushed back. At this point, we're playing it by ear.

I have a blood test once I've ovulated and then I've got my scan booked for the 14th - Happy Valentine's Day to me indeed! Exciting in a way though and it means we've something else to focus on in the 2ww also.

IFs are doing well, excited for our next meet up and to see what Cycle 2 brings. We're all going to attempt to play it cool this cycle, last one was just a total mind fuck if I'm honest. I hope none of us go back there this time.

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