Saturday 5 February 2011

I Spoke Too Soon

Yesterday, the day after my post below, the dreaded stomach bug got me too. So, I spent all day feeling very sorry for myself. Being ill with a very sore throat was a double whammy and one that I won't forget in a hurry. Today, I just feel like I've been run over by a large bus.

Anyway, this has meant that I'm now convinced that ovulation will indeed be delayed. I hope I'm wrong of course but you can't have that much stress and illness going on and your body be all geared up and ready to make babies.

IFs are all booked up, ready to come down. This was before I fell ill yesterday of course so we're just going with the flow and I'm hoping my body will surprise me and I'll indeed ovulate whilst they are here next week.

I've been thinking lately about taking a step back from the surrogacy online community, sometimes the overwhelming feeling of everyone having their eyes on your cycles can be quite overbearing. I'm not talking about this blog but more about the forums I am on. I will no doubt still read them, to keep up with friends, but I just think maybe playing things closer to my chest might be a good idea. Relieve some unnecessary anxiety maybe. I'll also be having a Facebook clear out where surrogacy is concerned, for mainly the same reasons.

Think of it as semi-hibernation, well until good news comes along which hopefully won't be too long coming.

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