Monday 21 March 2011


I've been busy today, no not with the children (although one did return home earlier than expected from school with a lingering earache) and no, not doing anything practical, like a good stay at home mum should, such as baking or cleaning. Oh no, I've been busy in the ttc way!

First it began with taking my temperature to chart it which will help us track any ovulation pattern, that won't help this cycle since you only see a pattern AFTER the end of the cycle but useful nonetheless. Apart from being pretty fascinating, yes I'm that sad, it will also give any future medical professional a good idea of what happens during a cycle. Hopefully of course we won't be going any further than getting that script of Clomid though on that score!

Also, we will be able to confirm ovulation has happened and whether our insems were therefore timed right also. It will cut out waiting around 10 days past ovulation, for the progesterone blood test, which I'm looking forward to finding out the result of.

I've got admit that I'm an old hand at temping, after doing it for several years when ttc our own children.

For those not as experienced, I'll explain that there are a few rules you're meant to follow with taking your Basal Body Temperature (BBT), such as having a block of sleep before - good luck, I have 3 children under 7 for starters. Taking it the same time each day - sods law that I wake up too early and then have to take it or risk it not being accurate if I do it an hour later. And you have to take it as soon as you open your eyes at the chosen time, without doing much more than breathing and scrabbling around in the dark to find the thermometer - Which in my bedroom means hoping various things don't fall off the bedside cabinet at the same time and wake the small ones who've crept in and crashed out in various places around the room.

Thankfully, apart from waking 20 minutes before my chosen time - 5am of all times, but my children can wake for the day between 5 and 6am so I'm most likely to of had my 'block' of sleep around 5am, I managed to a) remember that I needed to take it this morning and b) not knock everything onto the floor, meaning I had the added bonus of an extra hour in bed as no children were disturbed. Woohoo, go me!

I was slightly disturbed by the result though, that indicated I was colder than I should be but then I realised a small person had pulled the duvet off of me and over himself and that the window had been open all night to stop irritating and persistent little person coughs and so it all made sense, I wasn't starting to slip into hypothermia after all! LOL.

When I got up for the day, not very refreshed for that extra hour either, I walked into the kitchen and saw the Clomid pack. Heart raced, butterflies started and I felt a little light headed, that was before I'd even swallowed the first pill! LOL. I was having an attack of excited jitters, thinking that hopefully this will be our magic pill that sees me firstly, ovulating and at a pretty decent level and secondly and most importantly, gets us in the pregnified way. And with that, the first pill went down the hatch.

Around lunch I then took my daily multi-vitamin, those things are not only huge (as K and B will agree, they are taking the male version) but they do not quite agree with me. Not in a writhing-around-on-the-floor type way, more just they give me tummy rumbles and I feel a little nauseous at times. Taking them with my main meal helps though and the benefits of all those vitamins and minerals far outweighs the niggly side effects.

And shortly after that, I popped an iron tablet. I've been taking these for a while to be fair so not strictly because of ttc but I know without them, should I get pregnant, it wouldn't be pleasant on my body as my level seems to be low permanently and drops even further when I'm pregnant.

Tonight I will take another 50mg dose of Clomid, hopefully any side effects will be go unnoticed that way. Oh apart from the rattle from all those pills, as I turn over, which will wake the entire house up at this rate!

I'm being asked about side effects from the Clomid already, I'm not even sure if there is a culmulative effect or if even one pill is able to produce any but the only one I may of had is a hot flush or 5 but since AF is here, it could just be due to that rather than the Clomid. Either way, it's not troublesome or anything. I'll live! And yes, K, I'm being a good girl and keeping myself hydrated. :o)

So, 1 down, 9 to go and then the fun really begins, I'm so looking forward to what this cycle will bring.

To end, here's a quick and concise link about Clomid and possible success rates. I have heard a lot of personal success stories amongst friends so fingers crossed I can join that elite club very soon!

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