Friday 11 March 2011

Good Times

Yes, we went for it this cycle! And when I say we went for it, I mean it. See the OPKs from this cycle, I decided it would be good to start from just after AF left incase my cycle was screwy, to see what it did to my OPKs but they turned out to be textbook and as they usually are.

IFs had some time available from work and decided to book into a little cottage, attached to a B&B last Saturday and stayed until Tuesday evening. I had anticipated ovulating around the Tuesday mark but didn't know if the events of last cycle would affect that and we were therefore just playing it by ear and enjoying each others company regardless.

After a discussion between us, we decided it would be a wasted opportunity not to try and get some insems in before the + OPK, since we were all available and as such, we ended up doing a fair few of them. Think over 5, less than 10. LOL! I have to big up my IFs who did a sterling job of stepping up without apprehension or complaint.

I was a lady who lunched (a lot) during our time together which was fabulous. As a busy mum of 3, I don't often get the opportunity for much more than a takeout McD's so good food and good company, that didn't involve anyone needing their nose wiping or splitting up of fighting small people was an attractive proposition.

IFs asked if they could tag along on a trip to our (not so local!) beach on the Sunday. It's a regular thing for my family and K & B had a great time bonding with 2 out of 3 of my children and B and I had an opportunity to get closer, whilst K ran off some of his insatiable energy with the small ones.

We all went to lunch afterwards. It was rounded off with me unexpectedly falling asleep on B back at the cottage, which I later realised was due to some nasty bug I've picked up from somewhere, starting.

Monday the big + on the OPK first appeared. Bit earlier than expected but a good sight none the less. B had to return to work that afternoon (after another lunch!) and K and I held the surrogacy fort and enjoyed spending time together as we usually do. All very chilled and relaxed, just as the entire break had been.

When K also returned back to Kent Tuesday night, the smiley was still in full force on the OPK and we felt pretty smug about our timing. Little did we know that Wednesday, the smiley would still be loud and proud and that then meant poor B had to drive back to me in the evening but he did just that, despite being tired after a full day at work. Again, it was a lovely opportunity to get to bond a little more with B. We have a great relationship but it's mainly K I interact with on a day to day basis since B is manic at work, in and out of meetings and K's work schedule is far more flexible.

Cue a 6am insem the following day and we finally got to call a day on this cycle and start the dreaded 2ww off at last. The digi OPK has been negative and stayed that way for a while now so I think we can rest assured that we're done with any unexpected mad dash back to Bristol. I can almost audibly hear K & B breathing a sigh of relief!

It has been another intense cycle for us all but it's been a good one too. We've learnt more about each other and the journey. Surrogacy is such a crazy experience, I know that we've had some bumps in the road but thankfully we have such a good relationship that we move quickly to realise what might be an issue and work through it so it doesn't sour what's a fantastic match.

It was, if I'm honest, hard for me emotionally this cycle after what happened last one. I found the actual act of making the physical decision to move forward and insem again, hard. It was like finally drawing the line under what had happened and leaving what might of been behind. Yes, difficult for me and I'm sure probably for IFs too.

Still, very excited for what might be this time around and so thankful to still have my wonderful IFs by my side.

On a side note, I cannot believe this is cycle #12. It does not seem like I've been riding the surrogacy train for that amount of time.

1 comment:

Kev said...

Good times Wakey. Loves ya x x x x