Sunday 17 April 2011

The Finish Line

Temp dropped right below the cover line this morning and so this cycle is a bust.

Of course I'm sad about it not being our BFP cycle and even more so given the significance of dates this cycle, which includes that I won't have a baby this year now but that's how it goes. Nothing in ttc is guaranteed, we did our best.

I take some positives from this cycle though :

  • I ovulated. And it seems my blood test timing was slightly out so the level was most probably higher than 32.
  • Side effects of Clomid weren't as bad as I was fearing. Certainly manageable.
  • I had a pretty textbook cycle, ovulating on CD15 and with a 13 day LP.
  • It seems OPKs aren't quite as accurate as we were thinking so we can now time insems better after what we've learnt this cycle about my body.
  • IFs and I got to spend some quality time together.
  • Charting seems to work very well for me.

So, it's not all doom and gloom, I'm actually feeling pretty relieved that at least the end is definitely in sight and we can all move forwards. The waiting was way worse than the reality.

The timing of her arrival is better than it could of been too since it now means that insems won't clash with my short break away with the family. And it also means I don't have to endure another (would be pointless since I'm not pregnant) blood test - My poor vein hasn't recovered from the last draw. Ouch.

Most couples fall pregnant within the first 3 cycles of Clomid, or so I've read, with the majority within 6 months. Considering we're only just on Clomid Cycle 2 and 5 overal, we've so far yet to go with this.

And anyway, as K pointed out this morning, it just means we'll now have an Olympic year baby which makes me laugh, if you know me, you too. Also hopefully we can make B's big birthday year memorable for the right reasons along the way.

The only other thing to update about is that I spent yesterday in a considerable amount of pain with what turned out to be a UTI/kidney infection. I'm terrible for not drinking enough and I guess I finally paid the price. It was not pleasant and I ended up seeing the Out Of Hours Dr service. K was very assertive on the phone, making me get myself checked out, I'm terrible about causing any fuss and probably wouldn't of gone unless cornered into it so it was all good in the end.

So, for now I'm waiting for tomorrow to come and then the Clomid chaos will begin again and actually, I'm looking forward to it! New cycle, new opportunities and new hope.

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