Friday 15 April 2011

LP Confusion

I think I've said, one or twice maybe, before that I hate this part of my cycle. One of the many reasons is the issue of when to test.

Now, this cycle it's a little harder for me since my + OPKs didn't tally with the BBT shift that signalled ovulation. I've heard people claim that BBT is far more accurate at detecting ovulation and for the science behind it, I do agree. I recently read though that BBT can have a margin error of +/- 3 days, not sure how that could be possible, if you release an egg, your temp jumps up and stays elevated. How that could be off 3 days either way, I'm not quite sure. I guess if you have a slow rise, that's a possibility but my jump was clear cut.

And of course the pitfall with OPKs is that all a + one tells you is that your LH surge has been detected and you should ovulate within the next 12-36 hours but we all know that that doesn't always happen. Infact, for a lot of women, the egg is not actually released then, if at all that whole cycle.

So, neither method is full-proof. The only thing I can be certain of this cycle right now is that I did ovulate. Still a big 'woohoo!' about that btw!

Now, before charting, I would always expect AF 10-11 days after my last + OPK. That would put me this cycle, at only 10dpo today. I'm not officially late.

If I go by my BBT chart, I'm currently 12dpo. Officially late once we hit Midnight, what's 2.5 hours here and there - Judging by my temp this morning, I don't think she'll show her face today so I'm pretty confident in saying that I'm late.

Of course that means that I'm considering 2 test dates. Throw in the fact that the egg can be fertilised upto 24 hours after it's released, (whichever cycle date that might of been), add in a possible X amount of time from fertilisation to implantation, X days for implantation to complete properly and then X amount of time on top of that to start producing a detectable level of hCG and well frankly, I'm totally confused about when to test and to be sure of the result.

So, we simply wait and hope to make it through each day without any sign of her appearing and to see what the next morning's temperature looks like. Although that's not a full-proof way of telling if AF is close since some people have a huge temp drop and she arrives that day or the following one and some people stay at a similar temp to the day before and yet she appears anyway. Helpful, not!

Anyway, so yes, we sit it out day after day lately, well until we just say to hell with it and test anyway. And yes, Mr W, I said TEST! ;o)

The bit I'm struggling with at the moment is that it's my body causing stress for K & B and yet there's nothing I can do to reduce that. It's even harder for them though as they can only go on what I put on my chart or what I tell them. They must feel even more in the dark in the 2ww than I do. Though, I hope it's some comfort that it's no easier for me - Misery loves company and all that! :oD

At least, should this not be a successful cycle, I will know for next cycle what to expect in the dreaded 2ww. And that is something positive I take from the uncertainty of now - that it's only for this first cycle and we're almost done and dusted and ready to move on, with more knowledge than before which is really great when all is said and done.

P.s - I know that I've totally jinxed myself with this post. It's like buying a HPT and using it, she turns up within the hour....

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