Sunday 24 April 2011

Happy Easter!

I had hoped to do a post earlier but my computer died on me, well technically speaking it got a virus that stopped me from doing anything but yeah, dead is a pretty good, accurate but non-technical term really. It will hopefully be restored to working order and returned to me at the begining of the week.

I've borrowed my mother's laptop, this thing is ancient (and massive!) and the i and f keys are missing so you have to smack the metal where the keys were and it makes for tedious typing and sore fingers after a while but, I'm happy to be able to get online from something other than my phone so I'm not complaining too loudly!

We're nearly done with what seems to of been the longest Easter Break ever. Too many Bank Holidays for my liking, I detest Bank Holidays infact - it's like time stands still, nearly everything is shut and people flock to the places where I usually take the children so we end up doing very little and in my case, clock watching just to make through the day. Ugh.

Anyway, Clomid all finished for another cycle but hopefully for good obviously. The worst side effects were the mental ones, gotta be honest and say if that is what might happen next cycle, I'm dreading it already. The worst withdrawal effect I had was a severe headache and whilst horrible, it was manageable.

I'm going to Kent this cycle again, for insems so am looking forward to seeing the guys and luckily it's over yet another long Bank Holiday weekend so this is one where I won't be stuck clock watching!

We are also hoping that my body follows last cycle and I ovulate at the same point as I did before, which is usually the case on Clomid and will mean we have perfect timing yet again. I begin using OPKs tomorrow and charting my cervical mucus and position, last cycle I had begun all of that already by this point but I'm taking a more relaxed approach to it which is a theme all 3 of us are trying out this cycle, chilling.

K has been doing research online regarding syringe procedures and some other bits and bobs so we're thinking about tackling things a bit differently this time around, I'll update more specifically when I return, when I know how things went.

On a final note, B was watching a programme that featured a story about a fertility monitor that claims to be as effective as IVF. It's fascinating though, you wear a patch under your arm and download information from it every few days, via your computer, and that information is sent to a team of fertility specialists who analyse it and advise you of your fertile days BEFORE they happen. Allowing more accurate timing of intercourse/insems. It works by taking your temperature up to 20,000 times per day and detecting minute changes. Like BBT on a continuous and mammoth scale basically. And best of all, that means it eliminates the 4:45am wake up alarm I face daily to do my temp!

It claims to be 99% accurate at identifying a woman's most fertile days, up to 6 days in advance. Of course it's expensive but there are 2 options and 1 offers a money back guarantee if you don't conceive within 12 months - impressive stuff.

If you want to read more, you can find all the info here :

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