Monday 11 April 2011

Today's Complaint

Hey, it's my blog and I'll whine if I want to, thank you very much so if you're sick of my Clomid cycle ailments then well, just deal with it! LOL.

Today's complaint is cramping. And boy, it's nothing if not persistent since I've had it nearly continuously since this morning. Yesterday it was present on and off, still as annoying but it's definitely much worse today.

It feels like my uterus is irritable and kind of sore feeling internally Cramping in the 2ww is nothing new I know but to this extent and so early, for me, is.

Again, I have no idea if this is Clomid related and I'll get it every cycle or whether it means something more positive. Yet more waiting it out. Ugh.

I had my blood test this afternoon and hope to badger the surgery into giving me the results in a couple of days. We're meant to wait a week before calling for the results but if AF arrives on time, that would be far too late for me since I need to know if the 100mg dose worked or not. And by CD2 when I would begin taking them again.

Still feeling very anxious about things, despite trying to be cool and relaxed. I always get this way as we near the end of the 2ww but it just seems magnified this time by all the symptoms I'm getting. All unusual for me normally but who knows on a medicated cycle. For now I'm concentrating on simply finding out if I at least ovulated, if any other good news comes on top of that, well then that's a bonus as far as I'm concerned!

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