Wednesday 20 April 2011


I didn't like seeing the last post everytime I came to my blog, such gloom and since I'm feeling much happier today, I thought I'd bump that one down and this one up top.

As I said, I'm feeling better today and AF is thinking about vacating the premises so perhaps it was mainly those hormones at play and not so much the Clomid.

Today I spent a good part of the day in the fresh air and time with the kids, spring is truly here and we are trying to make the most of the nice weather whilst the children are on Easter Holiday from school. It was just what I needed, oh and some retail therapy was thrown in there too for good measure.

Clomid wise, apart from a terrible night last night where I saw far too many of the early hours on the bedside clock and ended up with about 3 hours sleep, I'm not feeling too bad, although in fairness, I think I had my fill yesterday! However, I am noticing the bloating creeping in again though so I'm hoping it doesn't develop as drastically as last cycle but we'll just have to see.

It'll soon be time for us to make some plans for around this time next week, it's crazy how the time just flies by this part of my cycle and yet drags so badly in the 2ww. I'm looking forward to seeing K & B again, we've decided to try the alternative insem method this time which will be interesting - using a syringe. All of us have done that method before with previous arrangements but it'll be a first in our match. Not nervous at all, it's a bit fiddly but we thought why not mix things up a little since we've done 4 cycles now with Instead Cups and it can't hurt and may help, we'll see I guess!

1 comment:

So many books, so little time said...

Aw I hope you have a better time tonight and good luck for this time round

Lainy x